Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

25 genus names
295 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Anogra arenaria (ID; 1; 1901)
Anogra cinera (ID; 1; 1901)
Boisduvalia oenothna (WA; 1; ?)
Boisduvalia parviflora (ID; 3; 1896-1930)
Boisduvalia torreyi (OR, WA; 3; 1892-1915)
Camissonia claviformis (ID, OR; 10; 1936-2001)
var. aurantica (OR; 1; 1984)
var. claviformis (ID, OR; 6; 1936-2001)
var. purpurescens (OR; 3; 1959-1983)
Camissonia contorta (BC, ID, OR, WA; 178; 1878-2019)
Camissonia kernensis (WA; 1; 1978)
Camissonia parvula (ID, MT, OR, WA; 55; 1865-2010)
Camissonia pubens (ID, WA; 5; 1892-1993)
Camissonia pusilla (ID, OR, WA; 38; 1889-2011)
Camissonia strigulosa (WA; 1; 1898)
Camissoniopsis bistorta (BC; 2; 2006)
Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia (OR, WA; 89; 1884-2014)
ssp. cheiranthifolia (OR, WA; 78; 1884-2014)
Chamaenerion angustifolium (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 1715; 1880-2020)
ssp. angustifolium (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 210; 1891-2016)
ssp. circumvagum (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 329; 1880-2011)
var. canescens (AK, OR; 26; 1919-2009)
Chamaenerion latifolium (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 930; 1890-2020)
Chylismia claviformis (ID, OR; 287; 1885-2017)
ssp. claviformis (OR; 2; 1993-2000)
ssp. cruciformis (ID, OR; 177; 1885-2017)
ssp. integrior (OR; 9; 1929-2007)
var. cruciformis (ID; 6; 1952-2010)
Chylismia heterochroma (OR; 1; 1972)
Chylismia parryi (ID; 2; 1966-2015)
Chylismia scapoidea (ID, MT, OR, WA; 277; 1885-2020)
ssp. brachycarpa (ID, OR; 58; 1885-2011)
ssp. scapoidea (ID, MT, OR; 71; 1934-2020)
ssp. utahensis (ID, OR; 19; 1952-2015)
var. scapoidea (ID; 2; 2010)
var. seorsa (ID; 2; 1911)
Chylismiella pterosperma (ID, OR; 20; 1896-2009)
Circaea alpina (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 1023; 1875-2020)
ssp. alpina (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 78; 1889-2020)
ssp. pacifica (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 517; 1875-2020)
var. aleutica (AK; 1; 1895)
var. alpina (ID, MT, WA; 11; 1991-2011)
Clarkia amoena (BC, OR, WA; 334; 1876-2019)
var. amoena (OR, WA; 4; 1900-1919)
var. huntiana (OR; 27; 1913-1987)
Clarkia epilobioides (OR, WA; 3; 1891-1933)
Clarkia gracilis (OR, WA; 148; 1881-2020)
ssp. gracilis (OR, WA; 96; 1881-2018)
ssp. sonomensis (OR; 8; 1914-1998)
Clarkia heterandra (OR; 7; 1888-1998)
Clarkia lassenensis (OR; 16; 1918-1997)
Clarkia puchella (OR; 1; 2017)
Clarkia pulchella (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 977; 1880-2020)
Clarkia purpurea (BC, OR, WA; 115; 1871-2018)
ssp. quarivulnera (OR, WA; 59; 1871-1988)
var. quadrivulnera (BC, OR; 3; 1996-2006)
Clarkia quadrivulnera (BC, OR, WA; 241; 1876-2019)
Clarkia rhomboidea (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 534; 1873-2020)
Clarkia unguiculata (OR; 4; 2013)
Clarkia viminea (BC, OR, WA; 78; 1881-2017)
Clarkia williamsonii (OR; 1; 1939)
Clarkia xantiana (ID, WA; 2; 2013-2016)
ssp. parviflora (ID, WA; 2; 2013-2016)
Epilobium adscendens (WA; 4; 1882-1892)
var. canescens (WA; 2; 1892)
Epilobium alpinum (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 149; 1902-2014)
ssp. gracillimum (WA; 1; 1977)
var. behringianum (AK; 2; 1979-1996)
var. gracilentum (OR; 3; 1939-1973)
Epilobium altissimum (WA; 3; 1925)
Epilobium anagallidifolium (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 704; 1816-2020)
Epilobium angustifolium (WA, YK; 2; 1943-1995)
f. albiflorum (YK; 1; 1943)
var. angustifolium (WA; 1; 1995)
Epilobium apricum (WA; 2; 1898)
Epilobium arcticum (AK; 9; 1960-2011)
Epilobium atrichum (OR; 2; 1908)
Epilobium bongardii (AK; 2; 1940-1945)
Epilobium brachycarpum (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 1740; 1880-2020)
Epilobium campestre (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 160; 1887-2018)
Epilobium canum (ID, OR; 54; 1913-2015)
ssp. garrettii (ID; 20; 1938-1999)
ssp. latifolium (OR; 28; 1913-2015)
Epilobium ciliatum (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 2184; 1881-2020)
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum × Epilobium oregonense (MT; 1; 1974)
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. glandulosum × Epilobium luteum (WA; 1; 1899)
var. watsonii (WA; 4; 1991)
Epilobium clavatum (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 501; 1877-2018)
Epilobium coloratum (ID; 1; 1949)
Epilobium davuricum (AK, BC, ID, YK; 41; 1941-2017)
Epilobium densiflorum (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 494; 1853-2019)
var. densiflora (OR; 1; 1853)
Epilobium drummondi (ID; 1; 1897)
var. latiusculum (ID; 1; 1897)
Epilobium drummondii (ID; 1; 1897)
var. latiusculum (ID; 1; 1897)
Epilobium fasciculatum (WA; 2; 1896-1986)
Epilobium fastigatum (OR; 1; 1937)
Epilobium fastigiatum (WA; 1; 1937)
Epilobium ×floridulum (BC; 7; 1982-2015)
ssp. ciliatum (BC; 1; 2001)
Epilobium glaberrimum (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 467; 1881-2019)
Epilobium glaberrimum ssp. fastigiatum × Epilobium luteum (WA; 1; 1924)
Epilobium glandulosum (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 922; 1885-2020)
ssp. tenue (ID; 2; 1987-2017)
Epilobium glaucum (OR; 1; 1887)
Epilobium halleanum (WA; 1; 1907)
var. teune (WA; 1; 1907)
Epilobium hallianum (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 595; 1880-2020)
Epilobium hirsutum (BC, ID, OR, WA; 58; 1933-2019)
Epilobium holosericeum (BC; 6; 2003-2014)
Epilobium hornemanii (BC; 1; 1914)
ssp. hornemannii (BC; 1; 1914)
Epilobium hornemannii (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 1097; 1882-2020)
ssp. behringianum (AK, BC; 119; 1917-2019)
ssp. hornemannii (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 679; 1882-2020)
Epilobium hornemannii ssp. hornemannii × Epilobium luteum (WA; 1; 1906)
Epilobium hornemannii × Epilobium luteum ssp. hornemannii (WA; 5; 1889-1925)
Epilobium jucundum (OR, WA; 4; 1893-1910)
var. viridifolium (WA; 2; 1904)
Epilobium komarovianum (BC; 2; 1984-2013)
Epilobium lactiflorum (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 579; 1880-2020)
ssp. latifolium (YK; 1; 1944)
Epilobium laevicaule (MT; 3; 1895)
Epilobium lanceolatum (WA; 2; 2018)
Epilobium latifolium (AK, BC, ID, MT; 37; 1883-2006)
ssp. latifolium (AK, BC, ID, MT; 35; 1905-1982)
var. grandiflorum (AK; 1; 1883)
var. saxicola (BC; 1; 2006)
Epilobium leptocarpum (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 87; 1890-2018)
Epilobium leptophyllum (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 61; 1897-2012)
var. tenerum (BC; 1; 2001)
Epilobium luteum (AK, BC, MT, OR, WA; 249; 1885-2020)
var. lilacinum (WA; 1; 1928)
Epilobium macdougalii (MT; 1; 1901)
Epilobium minutum (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 889; 1878-2020)
Epilobium mirabile (BC, MT, WA; 17; 1911-2016)
Epilobium montanum (BC, WA; 11; 1989-2019)
Epilobium nummulariifolium (WA; 1; 2016)
Epilobium nutans (OR, WA; 5; 1942-1985)
Epilobium obcordatum (ID, OR; 103; 1896-2013)
Epilobium obscurum (BC, WA; 26; 1995-2012)
Epilobium oreganum (AK, OR; 20; 1887-2013)
Epilobium oregonense (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 140; 1878-2019)
Epilobium paddoense (WA; 1; 1885)
Epilobium pallidum (ID, MT, OR; 26; 1898-2003)
Epilobium palustre (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA, YK; 398; 1880-2019)
var. palustre (ID, MT; 16; 1894-1992)
Epilobium paniculatum (WA; 1; 1898)
f. adenocladon (WA; 1; 1898)
Epilobium parviflorum (BC; 9; 1991-2015)
Epilobium praecox (WA; 2; 1920)
Epilobium ×pulchrum (WA; 1; 1906)
Epilobium ramosissimum (WA; 1; 1916)
Epilobium rigidum (OR; 42; 1886-2011)
Epilobium rubescens (WA; 1; 1928)
Epilobium sandbergii (ID; 1; 1892)
Epilobium saximontanum (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 92; 1892-2020)
Epilobium siskiyouense (OR; 7; 1935-2007)
Epilobium smithii (BC, MT, WA; 10; 1907-2014)
Epilobium strictum (ID; 2; 1939-1951)
Epilobium suffruticosum (ID, MT, OR; 75; 1887-2019)
Epilobium tetragonum (BC, OR; 6; 1912-2009)
ssp. lamyi (OR; 1; 1912)
Epilobium torreyi (BC, ID, OR, WA; 226; 1876-2019)
Epilobium ×treleasianum (AK, BC, WA; 33; 1893-2014)
Eremothera boothii (ID, OR, WA; 403; 1880-2020)
ssp. boothii (ID, OR, WA; 353; 1880-2020)
ssp. condensata (ID; 1; 1980)
ssp. intermedia (ID; 1; 2011)
ssp. villosa (ID; 1; 1987)
var. boothii (ID; 2; 1952)
Eremothera minor (ID, MT, OR, WA; 161; 1884-2019)
Eremothera pygmaea (ID, OR, WA; 37; 1885-2010)
Fuchsia hybrida (OR; 2; 2003-2006)
Fuchsia magellanica (OR; 31; 1919-2018)
Gaura coccinea (MT; 7; 1945)
var. coccinea (MT; 7; 1945)
Gaura parviflora (ID; 1; 1940)
var. parviflora (ID; 1; 1940)
Gayophytum decipiens (ID, MT, OR, WA; 196; 1882-2019)
Gayophytum diffusum (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 1136; 1800-2020)
var. nuttallii (ID; 1; 1954)
Gayophytum eriospermum (ID, WA; 5; 1932-1937)
Gayophytum helleri (ID; 1; 1940)
var. helleri (ID; 1; 1940)
Gayophytum heterozygum (ID, OR, WA; 160; 1880-2018)
Gayophytum humile (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 320; 1880-2018)
Gayophytum pumilum (OR; 2; 1928-1937)
Gayophytum racemosum (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 242; 1880-2018)
Gayophytum ramosissimum (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 467; 1881-2019)
Godetia amoena (OR, WA; 3; 1916-1953)
var. caurina (WA; 1; 1916)
var. lindleyi (WA; 1; 1939)
var. pacifica (OR; 1; 1953)
Godetia bingensis (WA; 1; 1892)
Godetia brevistyla (WA; 1; 1900)
Godetia caurina (WA; 2; 1900)
Godetia gracilis (WA; 2; 1904-1962)
Godetia lepida (OR; 1; 1928)
Godetia quadrivulnera (WA; 5; 1893-1927)
var. quadrivulnera (WA; 5; 1893-1927)
Godetia tenella (WA; 1; 1927)
Jussiaea uruguayensis (OR; 1; 1955)
var. genuina (OR; 1; 1955)
Kneiffia candissima (BC; 1; 1914)
Ludwigia grandiflora (OR, WA; 18; 1949-2012)
Ludwigia hexapetala (OR, WA; 35; 1950-2019)
Ludwigia maritima (ID; 1; 1994)
Ludwigia palustris (BC, ID, OR, WA; 279; 1884-2020)
Ludwigia peploides (OR, WA; 25; 1979-2019)
ssp. montevidensis (OR, WA; 20; 2004-2019)
ssp. peploides (OR; 3; 1979-2015)
Ludwigia polycarpa (ID; 4; 1932-1988)
Neoholmgrenia andina (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 344; 1880-2018)
Neoholmgrenia hilgardii (WA; 56; 1889-2015)
Oenothera albicaulis (ID, MT, WA; 66; 1892-2011)
var. pallida (ID; 1; 2010)
Oenothera andina (ID; 1; 1964)
var. andina (ID; 1; 1964)
Oenothera avita (MT; 1; 1954)
ssp. avita (MT; 1; 1954)
Oenothera biennis (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 809; 1880-2019)
var. parviflora (ID; 1; 1897)
Oenothera caespitosa ssp. caespitosa × Oenothera caespitosa ssp. marginata (ID; 1; 1950)
Oenothera cespitosa (ID, MT, OR, WA; 798; 1882-2019)
ssp. cespitosa (ID, MT, OR, WA; 321; 1882-2019)
ssp. crinita (ID, MT; 2; 1977-2009)
ssp. macroglottis (ID; 4; 1992)
ssp. marginata (ID, MT, OR, WA; 218; 1885-2017)
Oenothera clavaeformis (ID; 1; 1958)
ssp. citrina (ID; 1; 1958)
Oenothera claviformis (ID, OR; 3; 1941-1959)
ssp. citrina (ID, OR; 3; 1941-1959)
Oenothera coronopifolia (ID; 2; 1930-1981)
Oenothera curtiflora (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 193; 1880-2020)
Oenothera curtissii (OR; 3; 2017-2019)
Oenothera deltoides (ID, MT, OR; 90; 1881-2015)
ssp. piperi (ID, OR; 81; 1881-2014)
Oenothera elata (ID, MT, OR, WA; 174; 1891-2014)
Oenothera flava (ID, MT, OR, WA; 106; 1884-2019)
var. flava (ID; 1; 1946)
Oenothera glazioviana (BC, OR, WA; 67; 1895-2019)
Oenothera hookeri (WA; 1; 1906)
var. wolfii (WA; 1; 1906)
Oenothera idahoensis (ID; 1; 1892)
Oenothera laciniata (OR; 1; 1986)
Oenothera lindheimeri (BC, WA; 4; 2000-2013)
Oenothera macrocarpa (BC, ID; 2; 1997-2012)
ssp. macrocarpa (BC; 1; 2012)
Oenothera nuttallii (ID, MT; 68; 1884-2011)
Oenothera oakesiana (BC; 3; 2015)
Oenothera pallida (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 617; 1856-2019)
ssp. pallida (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 250; 1856-2019)
ssp. trichocalyx (ID, MT, OR; 8; 1885-1994)
Oenothera perangusta (BC; 3; 1978-1986)
var. rubricalyx (BC; 1; 1986)
Oenothera perennis (BC, MT; 6; 1895-2002)
Oenothera primiveris (OR; 1; 1933)
Oenothera psammophila (ID; 23; 1919-2019)
Oenothera rhombipetala (MT; 1; ?)
Oenothera rosea (BC, OR; 2; 1945-1986)
Oenothera scapigera (ID; 1; 2009)
Oenothera scapoidea (OR; 1; 1930)
var. scapoidea (OR; 1; 1930)
Oenothera serrulata (ID, MT, WA; 86; 1901-2014)
Oenothera striata (BC; 1; 1980)
Oenothera stricta (BC, OR; 4; 1900-2014)
ssp. strictum (BC; 1; 2014)
Oenothera subacaulis (ID; 2; 1997)
var. utahensis (ID; 2; 1997)
Oenothera suffrutescens (BC, ID, MT, OR; 514; 1885-2019)
Oenothera tenacetifolia (OR; 1; 1964)
Oenothera villosa (MT, OR, WA; 16; 1928-2010)
ssp. strigosa (OR, WA; 5; 1928-2004)
var. villosa (MT; 11; 1934-2010)
Oenothera wolfii (OR, WA; 14; 1902-2002)
Onagra macbrideae (ID; 5; 1910-1919)
Onagra ornata (ID; 1; 1910)
Onagra strigosa (MT; 6; 1897)
var. subulata (MT; 2; 1897)
Pachylophus eximius (ID; 1; 1910)
Pachylophus marginatus (ID; 1; 1929)
Pachylophus psammophilus (ID; 2; 1901)
Sphaerostigma andinum (ID; 1; 1912)
Sphaerostigma implexa (ID; 3; 1910)
Sphaerostigma implexum (ID; 1; 1910)
Taraxia breviflora (BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 65; 1903-2016)
Taraxia heterantha (OR; 1; 1928)
Taraxia ovata (ID, OR; 12; 1887-2012)
Taraxia subacaulis (ID, MT, OR, WA; 500; 1885-2019)
Taraxia tanacetifolia (ID, MT, OR, WA; 477; 1877-2019)
Taraxia tikurana (ID; 5; 1911)
Tetrapteron graciliflorum (OR; 9; 1884-1993)
Tetrapteron palmeri (ID, OR; 6; 1896-2002)