Vascular Plants of British Columbia

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

12 genus names
82 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

T: Taraxia,

Camissonia contorta (UBC, V; 8; 1976-2004)
Camissoniopsis bistorta (UBC; 2; 2006)
Chamaenerion angustifolium (ALA, ID, LEA, OSC, SRP, UBC, V, WTU; 151; 1895-2014)
ssp. angustifolium (SRP, UBC, V; 35; 1912-2012)
ssp. circumvagum (ID, UBC; 14; 1895-1957)
Chamaenerion latifolium (ID, LEA, OSC, UBC, V, WTU; 160; 1913-2014)
Circaea alpina (BABY, LEA, NY, UBC, V, WTU; 69; 1887-2012)
ssp. alpina (UBC, V, WTU; 20; 1904-2012)
ssp. pacifica (BABY, NY, UBC, V, WTU; 14; 1887-2002)
Clarkia amoena (UBC, V, WTU; 41; 1895-2010)
Clarkia pulchella (UBC, V, WTU; 17; 1898-2007)
Clarkia purpurea (V; 2; 2006)
var. quadrivulnera (V; 2; 2006)
Clarkia quadrivulnera (UBC, V; 5; 1997-2003)
Clarkia rhomboidea (UBC; 1; 1996)
Clarkia viminea (V; 1; 2000)
Epilobium alpinum (LEA, UBC, V, WTU; 15; 1927-1980)
Epilobium anagallidifolium (ALA, BABY, UBC, V, WTU; 165; 1897-2015)
Epilobium brachycarpum (BABY, ID, UBC, V, WTU; 81; 1899-2012)
Epilobium campestre (UBC; 1; 2007)
Epilobium ciliatum (BABY, ID, UBC, V, WTU; 144; 1895-2015)
Epilobium clavatum (NY, UBC, V, WTU; 80; 1890-2015)
Epilobium davuricum (UBC; 2; 1975-2005)
Epilobium densiflorum (UBC, V; 23; 1914-2001)
Epilobium ×floridulum (UBC; 7; 1982-2015)
ssp. ciliatum (UBC; 1; 2001)
Epilobium glaberrimum (UBC, V; 7; 1988-2015)
Epilobium glandulosum (BABY, ID, UBC, V, WTU, WWB; 42; 1941-2013)
Epilobium hallianum (UBC, V, WTU; 15; 1938-2013)
Epilobium hirsutum (UBC, V; 12; 1982-2017)
Epilobium holosericeum (UBC; 6; 2003-2014)
Epilobium hornemanii (UBC; 1; 1914)
ssp. hornemannii (UBC; 1; 1914)
Epilobium hornemannii (SRP, UBC, V, WTU; 87; 1904-2015)
ssp. behringianum (V; 1; 1982)
ssp. hornemannii (SRP, UBC, V, WTU; 54; 1904-2015)
Epilobium komarovianum (UBC; 2; 1984-2013)
Epilobium lactiflorum (UBC, V, WTU; 98; 1896-2014)
Epilobium latifolium (ID, UBC, V; 22; 1905-2006)
ssp. latifolium (ID, UBC; 21; 1905-1982)
var. saxicola (V; 1; 2006)
Epilobium leptocarpum (UBC, V; 15; 1914-2015)
Epilobium leptophyllum (BABY, UBC, V; 23; 1904-2012)
var. tenerum (V; 1; 2001)
Epilobium luteum (ALA, BABY, UBC, V, WTU; 26; 1903-2010)
Epilobium minutum (BABY, ID, UBC, V, WTU; 139; 1897-2017)
Epilobium mirabile (UBC; 14; 1938-2015)
Epilobium montanum (UBC, V; 6; 1989-2015)
Epilobium obscurum (UBC, V, WTU; 20; 1995-2012)
Epilobium oregonense (ID, V; 6; 1997-2004)
Epilobium palustre (UBC, V; 21; 1969-2015)
Epilobium parviflorum (UBC; 9; 1991-2015)
Epilobium saximontanum (ID, UBC, V; 4; 1976-2015)
Epilobium smithii (UBC; 3; 1989-2014)
Epilobium tetragonum (UBC; 5; 2004-2009)
Epilobium torreyi (UBC, V; 4; 1961-1977)
Epilobium ×treleasianum (ALA, UBC; 4; 1993-2004)
Gayophytum diffusum (ALA, UBC, V, WTU; 16; 1939-2008)
Gayophytum humile (UBC, V; 18; 1939-2013)
Gayophytum racemosum (UBC; 8; 1998-2012)
Gayophytum ramosissimum (UBC, V; 6; 1937-1995)
Kneiffia candissima (UBC; 1; 1914)
Ludwigia palustris (UBC, V; 56; 1911-2015)
Neoholmgrenia andina (UBC, V; 9; 1980-2013)
Oenothera biennis (BABY, UBC, V; 79; 1896-2010)
Oenothera curtiflora (UBC; 1; 2000)
Oenothera glazioviana (UBC, V; 16; 1895-2007)
Oenothera lindheimeri (UBC; 2; 2005-2013)
Oenothera macrocarpa (UBC; 1; 2012)
ssp. macrocarpa (UBC; 1; 2012)
Oenothera oakesiana (UBC; 3; 2015)
Oenothera pallida (UBC, V; 19; 1947-2016)
ssp. pallida (UBC, V; 12; 1952-2011)
Oenothera perangusta (UBC; 3; 1978-1986)
var. rubricalyx (UBC; 1; 1986)
Oenothera perennis (UBC, V; 5; 1895-2002)
Oenothera rosea (UBC; 1; 1986)
Oenothera striata (UBC; 1; 1980)
Oenothera stricta (UBC; 1; 2014)
ssp. strictum (UBC; 1; 2014)
Oenothera suffrutescens (UBC, V; 7; 1983-2002)
Taraxia breviflora (UBC, V; 2; 1960)