Broad community support for the new Flora has been critical to its success. Project costs totalled slightly over $500,000 for content production (revising treatments and keys, acquisition of new illustrations), editing, layout and printing. All funding were raised from external sources including philanthropic foundations, gifts from private individuals, and federal or state agency support. Interested individuals and entities are encourage to contact us or make an online donation through the Burke Museum web site (100% of your donation goes to support the Flora).
We express our deepest gratitude for the individuals, agencies, and organizations who helped support development of the Flora. Thank you for believing in us, sharing our enthusiasm, and ultimately making this work possible!
We are very grateful to the following organizations and individuals for providing financial support for this project:

Lyle Anderson
Suzanne and Marvin Anderson
Joe Arnett
Catherine Askren
Sharon Baker
Lyn Baldwin
John and Sue Bassett
Barbara Beaver
Trip and Carol Beaver
Katy Beck
Julia Bent
Blaise Bettencourt
Hugh Binley
Ron and Sue Bockelman
Sandra Bowman
John Chau
Catherine Conolly and Rodney Brown
Martin and Rebecca Chaney
Chris Davidson and Sharon Christoph
Alison Colwell
Mark Darrach
Tad and Julie Dillhoff
Jason Dingeldein
David and Janet Dobak
Diane Doss
Richard Droker
Jim Duemmel3
Peter Dunwiddie and Liz Bell4
Kit Ellis
Kathi Erickson
Don Estberg
Shelly Evans
Jim and Birte Falconer
Sarah Gage
Charlotte Giblin9
David Giblin and Julie Monahan3
David Gross
Clayton and Barbara Haberman
Kathryn Hamilton-Wang & Steve Wang
Hylton and Lawrence Hard
William and Betty Hess2
Janka and Michael Hobbs3
Peggy Hudson2
Ted Hunter
Ray Izumi
Regina Johnson
Suzanne Joneson
Julie and John Kane
Ken Karoly
Phoebe Keleman
Susan and Jim Kephart
Vicki and Jim King
Don Knoke
Noel Knoke
Terri Knoke and Mark Meese
Dr. Art Kruckeberg
Charles Lief
Dixie and David Llewellin
Pat Lu-Irving
Cindy Luksus and Bill Deters
Richard Mathes
Cathy Maxwell1
Wendy and Tom McClure
Tara McCown
Calmar McCune
Kathleen McKeehen
Bridget McNassar
Katie Messick
Paul Metzner
Sandy Miller
Carol Miltemore
Dan and Pat Montague
Scott Moore
Patricia Muir
Carol Nygren
Berl Nussbaum5
Robin O'Quinn and Tom Groesbeck
Dan and Anna Paquette
Peg Pearson
John Petrotta
Cindy Prehmus
Theresa Price
Robert Michael Pyle1
Richard Ramsden
Joe Rocchio
Bruce and Alice Ronald
Debra Salstrom and Richard Easterly
Kathleen Sayce
Don Schaechtel
Sharon Schlentner
Kevin and Emily Schoenfelder
Theresa Schuller
Simone Spiess8
Cindy Spurgeon
Natalie St. Martin
Robert Steinauer
Peter Stekel
Steve Sullivan
James Swayne
Dale Swedberg
Hally Swift and Eric Strandberg
Donovan Tracy
Gail Trotter and Paul Allen10
Jeff Walker
John Wasko
Fred and Ann Weinmann
Charles Westergard
Robert and Jill Wilson
David and Ann Woodward
Robert Wrench
Jenny Wyatt
Alan Yen
The following individuals provided treatments and keys for the revised Flora:
Richard Brainerd
Mark Darrach
Peter Dunwiddie
David Giblin
Alex Harkness
Noel Holmgren
Suzan Kephart
Ben Legler
Peter Lesica
Daniel McNair
Richard McNeill
Katie Messick
Richard Olmstead
Nick Otting
Jim Reveal
Valerie Soza
Genevieve Walden
Barry Wendling
Barbara Wilson
Peter Zika
The following illustrators have provided new line drawings for the revised Flora:
(# of illustrations completed is given after each name)
Laura Frick (1)
Pat Lu-Irving (23)
Angela Mele (17)
Rachel Maria Osborne (24)
Natsuko Porcino (193)
Crystal Shin (794)
Linda Vorobik (111)
Barry Wendling (2)
Rachael Whitehead (47)
A number of volunteers and undergraduate students have provided invaluable assistance with the imaging, editing, and processing of text and illustrations from the one and five-volume Flora series, or editing and reviewing revised treatments. We extend to them our sincerest thanks:
Melissa Bowers
Holly Chan
Lacey Crow
Jim Duemmel
Kathi Erickson
Don Estberg
Shambhavi Gautam
Virginia Hassinger
Douglas Houck
Peggy Hudson
Mary Johnson
Don Knoke
Robin Lauber
Jane Lundin
Rachel Price
Sandra Ruffner
Sangeetha Sushil
Sherie Tan
Ellen Van Wyk
WSDOT Environmental Services Staff