Flora of the Pacific Northwest, 2nd Edition
Burke Museum Herbarium & University of Washington Press
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Updates, revisions, additions, and corrections made following publication of the 2nd Edition are listed here. These may include:

Last entry added on 27 Feb 2025.

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Page xivii (Introduction):
: Definition for waif should say ..."does not"...
Page xxxvi (Introduction):
: Glossary - berry: The comma at the end of the definition for should be removed.
Page xliii (Introduction):
Glossary: pistillate flower definition should read as follows: one with 1 or more pistils, but no stamens.
Page 3 (Key to families):
Artificial Key to the Vascular Plant Families in Our Region: The page pointers for Groups 1-7 on pages 3 and 4 are 2 pages higher than they should be. They should read as follows:
Group 1 p. 4; Group 2 p. 8; Group 3 p. 11; Group 4 p. 11; Group 5 p. 11; Group 6 p. 20; Group 7 p. 35
Page 11 (Key to families):
Artificial Key to the Vascular Plant Families in Our Region - Group 5, lead 2a: The page number provided for Subgroup 5a should be p. 12; the page number for Subgroup 5b should be p. 13.
Page 15 (Key to families):
Artificial Key to the Vascular Plant Families in Our Region - Subgroup 5d, lead 1b: Most species of Acer (Sapindaceae) should key under lead 1b but were inadvertently omitted from this section of the key. To accommodate Acer, the following new couplet can be inserted after lead 40b on page 16:
44a Leaves palmately lobed (Acer) ... Sapindaceae, p. 266
44b Leaves not lobed
Page 16 (Key to families):
lead 28b: The range for stamens in lead 28b should be "2-5" in order to include Caprifoliaceae in lead 30b.
Page 20 (Key to families):
Group 6, lead 15a: Modify wording to exclude apetalous flowers: "Perianth 2- or 4-merous, polypet; stamens gen 2, 4, 6, or 8 (occ more numerous but then perianth present)"
Page 21 (Key to families):
Artificial Key to the Vascular Plant Families in Our Region - Group 6, lead 17a: To properly key Solanum dulcamara, change wording of key leads 17a and 17b to:
17a Pls strong vines with palmately 3–7-lobed lvs, the lobes ± equal
17b Pls not viny or lvs not palmately 3–7-lobed with ± equal lobes
Page 26 (Key to families):
Group 6e, lead 17b: Change wording to read "Petals present or absent; ..."
Group 6e, lead 21a: Lead 21a should state "Fls 3-merous or petals absent; ..." and lead 21b should state "Fls (3-)5-merous, petals present; ..."
Page 37 (Key to families):
Key to families Subgroup 7a, lead 28b: Replace "infl not an umbel" with "infl various"
Page 42 (Lycopodiaceae):
Diphasiastrum, lead 2a: Diphasiastrum alpinum was documented from several locations in northern Idaho in 2019. Change distribution statement to "circumboreal, s to OM, Thurston Co, WA, Cas of WA, n ID, nw MT (GNP), and Que"
Diphasiastrum, lead 2a: The name Diphasiastrum ×takedae Ivanenko (Bot. Zhurn. 77(8): 123-126. 1992.) applies to hybrids of Diphasiastrum alpinum × Diphasiastrum sitchense, based on a type specimen from Kamtschatka (LE). Application of the name to North American hybrids appears justified but warrants further investigation.
Page 44 (Selaginellaceae):
Selaginella, lead 2a: The range statement should read "se BC, c ID, sw MT, ne NV, n CO, MI, and Newf; seldom coll s of Can;" - "sw" in the original range description is a typo.
Page 45 (Isoetaceae):
Isoetes, lead 3a: Isoetes minima was recently collected (July 2017) from Adams Co, ID; the distribution statement for lead 3a can be changed to: e Cas from se BC to e WA, ne OR, and wc ID.
Isoetes, lead 6a/6b: The correct units for sporangia size is mm: 6a "..sporangia < 2.5 mm long..", 6b "...sporangia up to 10 mm long..."
Page 54 (Pteridaceae):
Pteridium, lead a1: The name Pteridium aquilinum subsp. pubescens Underw. J.A.Thomson, Mickel Mehltr., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 1571 14 2008 is an isonym. The correct authorship is Pteridium aquilinum L. Kuhn ssp. pubescens Underw. Piper Beattie.
Page 56 (Pteridaceae):
Myriopteris: Myriopteris intertexta recently (2024) collected in Klickitat County, WA and central Oregon.
Page 59 (Thelypteridaceae):
Parathelypteris: Recent (2021) taxonomic work shows that Parathelypteris is synonymized within Amauropelta, resulting in the new combination A. nevadensis (Baker) S.E. Fawc. & A.R. Sm. for P. nevandensis.
Page 65 (Dryopteridaceae):
Polystichum, lead 11b: An accurately identified specimen of P. braunii from Pend Oreille County has been located at the University of Idaho Herbarium. The range statement should be expanded to ".., coastal AK and BC, also se BC, ne WA, and n ID,..".
Page 68 (Pinaceae):
Picea, lead 3a: Change distribution statement for Picea glauca to "AK e to Newf, ME, and GL, s to se BC, sw Alta, and scattered in RM to SD and WY" to clarify presence of pure Picea glauca in SD and WY.
Page 71 (Cupressaceae):
Callitropsis: The genus and species treatments for Callitropsis nootkatensis are out of alphabetical order and should come before the treatment for Calocedrus.
Calocedrus: C. decurrens recently (2018) collected escaping cultivation in Puget Trough.
Page 72 (Cupressaceae):
Callitropsis: The correct author for C. nootkatensis is (D. Don) Oerst - (D. Don) D.P. Little is incorrect.
Page 77 (Papaveraceae):
Key to genera: Recent (2011) phylogenetic evidence suggests that Papaver is polyphyletic. Native Papaver species from our region are included in the new genus Oreomecon.
Page 79 (Papaveraceae):
Eschscholzia: Eschscholzia californica is considered native from the Columbia River Gorge and northern Willamette Valley to California. Occurrences north and east of this area are best considered introduced. The earliest collection of this species in Washington not including those of Sukskdorf is 1938. Suksdorf likely cultivated this species in Bingen, so collections from that area in the late 1800s and early 1900s are hard to interpret based on the specimen label data. Given the level of collecting in western Washington in the late 1800s and early 1900s, a showy species like this would have been collected outside of the Columbia River Gorge if it was naturally occurring. In light of this, Hitchcock's 1938 collection from a roadside in Mason County is best considered an introduced/escaped from cultivation population.
Page 80 (Papaveraceae):
Papaver, lead 2b: The correct spelling for the subspecific epithet for P. radicatum is kluanense.
Page 80 (Papaveraxeae):
Papaver, lead 6a: P. pygmaeum and P. radicatum are now included in the genus Oreomecon on the basis of phylogenetic data. The capsular fruit of Papaver is glabrous, while that of Oreomecon is bristly.
Page 81 (Berberidaceae):
Berberis: Recent molecular work [Taxon 66(6): 1371-1392, 2017] advocates resurrecting Mahonia as a distinct genus from Berberis. All our native species will be transferred back to Mahonia as Mahonia aquifolium, Mahonia nervosa, Mahonia piperiana, Mahonia repens.
Page 85 (Ranunculaceae):
Anemone, lead 7b: Specimens of A. oregana collected in the early 20th Century from the Weiser, ID area have recently been digitized, indicating that this species occurred in Idaho at least historically. Additional specimens have been digitized from northeastern Oregon. The range statement should be revised to "w side OP, and e base Cas from Chelan Co, WA, to CRG, s in Cas and coastal mts of OR to n CA, also in ne OR and adj ID".
Page 89 (Ranunculaceae):
Delphinium, lead 7a: Last line - D. xburkei Greene is a hybrid between D. depauperatum and no 22 D. nuttallianum.
Page 96 (Ranunculaceae):
Ranunculus, lead 14a: In the distribution statement for R. flabellaris it should be explicitly stated that this species does not occur in MT.
Page 102 (Grossulariaceae):
Key to species, lead 4b: Group 1, lead 6a on line 4 should be right justified.
Page 114 (Saxifragaceae):
Mitella: M. nuda has been collected in north-central WA; the range statement should be changed to AK to n WA, n ID, and w MT, e to IA, PA, New England, and e Can; e Asia.
Page 115 (Saxifragaceae):
Pectiantia, lead 2b: In second line, after white-hirsute there should there be a semicolon instead of a comma - ...upper surface gen strongly and coarsely white-hirsute; peds...
Page 118 (Saxifragaceae):
Tiarella: In the genus description for Tiarella the placentation should be described as parietal.
Page 121 (Crassulaceae):
Sedum, lead 10a: Correct authorship for Sedum oregonense is (S. Watson) M. Peck
Page 125 (Fabaceae):
Key to genera, lead 4a, 4b: The pointer for Group 4 should be 35a, for Group 5 should be lead 37a
Key to genera, lead 14a: The second 14a couplet lead should be 14b
Page 126 (Fabaceae):
Key to Genera, Group 2, lead 24a: Change "Lvs palmately trifoliate" to "Lvs palmately 3–9-foliate"
Page 128 (Fabaceae):
Key to genera, lead 51a: In line 3 of lead 51a the correct spelling of the last word is septum.
Acmispon, lead 1a: A. nevadensis does not occur in BC based on 2024 communication with Frank Lomer. A. nevadensis is a superfluous name because the basionym Hosackia decumbens was placed in synonymy when the combination was published. Acmispon decumbens (Benth.) Govaerts is the correct name for this species. Our taxon is A. decumbens var. decumbens.
Page 133 (Fabacaeae):
Astragalus, lead 36b: Astragalus reventiformis was recently (2017) collected in Sherman County, OR. "possibly" should be removed from the distribution statement.
Page 136 (Fabaceae):
Key to Astragalus usable on plants in flower, lead 59a: Add "ours var. flexuosus"
Key to Astragalus usable on plants in flower, Group 5, lead 60a: Astragalus tenellus has been confirmed from Washington based on a specimen from Douglas County; distribution statement can be updated to read "Yukon s to c WA and through RM to se OR, NV, UT, and NM, e to Man, MN"
Page 140 (Fabaceae):
Astragalus, lead 91a: Walla Walla County should be removed from the distribution statement for A. columbianus.
Astragalus Subgroup 6a, lead 85a: Correct the spelling of var. wieserensis to var. weiserensis.
Page 154 (Fabaceae):
Key to Astragalus usable on plants in fruit, lead 63a: Add "ours var. flexuosus"
Page 155 (Fabaceae):
Astragalus, lead 71a: The distribution statement for A. columbianus should read Kittitas, Yakima, and Benton cos, WA.
Page 158 (Fabaceae):
Key to Astragalus usable on plants in fruit, Group F, lead 104b: Astragalus tenellus has been confirmed from Washington based on a specimen from Douglas County; distribution statement can be updated to read "Yukon to c WA, MT, e ID, se OR, NV, UT, and NM, e to Man and MN"
Page 159 (Fabaceae):
Astragalus Group G, lead 109a: Correct the spelling of var. wieserensis to var. weiserensis.
Page 162 (Fabaceae):
Dalea, lead 2b: The correct specific epithet of the Petalostemon synonym provided for D. purpurea is purpureus
Page 166 (Fabaceae):
Lathyrus, lead 21a: Distribution statement for Lathyrus polyphyllus should include "disjunct in n ID". Verified specimen from Kootenai Co, Idaho, is in PNW Herbaria database.
Page 167 (Fabaceae):
Lupinus, lead 4a: Remove synonym "L. densiflorus" and replace with "L. m. var. densiflorus misapplied"
Page 168 (Fabaceae):
Lupinus, lead 11a, 21b: The spelling for L. sabinianus has recently be revised to sabineanus.
Page 170 (Fabaceae):
Lupinus, lead 19b: Correct "hybrids of nos 6 × 15" to "hybrids of no 7 × 16"
Lupinus, lead e2: L. lepidus var. aridus has been collected in Okanogan County, WA. The distribution statement for L. lepidus var. aridus should read "nc WA to n CA and NV, e to sc ID"
Page 179 (Fabaceae):
Astragalus, lead 14b: At the end of line 2, the text should say "lflets" (not "lvs").
Page 181 (Fabaceae):
Trifolium, lead 41a: Trifolium hirtum was recently collected from Klickitat Co, WA (2017) and Latah County, ID (2019). Change distribution statement to read "e WA, w ID, and Wi Va to CA; se US"
Page 197 (Rosaceae):
Drymocallis, lead 21: Drymocallis campanulata recently (2024)collected from Klickitat County, WA. The range statement should read, "e Cas, sc WA to n OR".
Page 201 (Rosaceae):
Malus, lead 7a: The name M. domestica (Suckow) Borkh. has been conserved and is the accepted name. M. pumila is nom. rej. and is placed in the list of synonyms.
Page 208 (Rosaceae):
Prunus, lead 17b: Author for Prunus emarginata should be (Douglas) Eaton
Page 211 (Rosaceae):
Rubus, lead 3a: Distribution statement for Rubus spectabilis should include "disjunct in n ID". Verified specimens from Bonner Co, Idaho, are in PNW Herbaria database, and species is listed as S3 by INPS.
Rosa, lead 7b: Frank Lomer reports that all specimen records from ne BC as of 2023 were misidentifications. The range statement should read, "e slope of RM, Alta to to w MT, e to OH".
Page 212 (Rosaceae):
Rubus, lead 13a: R. ursinus is documented from Montana. The distribution statements should read "...e to MT"
Rubus, lead 5b: At the time of Flora PNW, 2nd publication, R. parviflorus was technically an illegitimate name. The first available name at that time was R. nutkanus. The name R. parviflorus was formally conserved at the 2024 International Botanical Congress meetings and is the name that we are using going forward.
Page 213 (Rosaceae):
Rubus, lead 26a: Rubus allegheniensis was collected in 2019 from Bonner County, Idaho, where naturalized around a pond shoreline near Hope. Change distribution statement to "sw BC, w WA, n ID, and CA"
Rubus, lead 26b: A specimen from northeastern Oregon has been located at the University of Idaho Herbarium (ID052528). The range statement should read "w WA, ne OR, c ID, and CA".
Page 216 (Elaeagnaceae):
Shepherdia: First line of genus description for Shepherdia should have female flower icon, not male, before "fls with 8-lobed..".
Page 223 (Juglandaceae):
Juglans, lead 2a: Recent (2018) collection expands range of Juglans ailantifolia to include Okanogan County, WA.
Page 224 (Betulaceae):
Betula: The distribution for B. papyrifera should be updated as follows:

"AK s, both sides Cas to WA, ne OR and s ID e to RMS, e to Atl"
Page 225 (Betulaceae):
Corylus, lead 1b: Peter Lesica at MONTU determined that the lone specimen of C. cornuta (WTU 239659) reported from MT is a label error. The specimen was likely collected in Wyoming. The corrected distribution statement should read, "BC s, both sides Cas, to CA, also in n ID but not MT, e to Atl"
Page 227 (Oxalidaceae):
Oxalis, lead 2b: Distribution statement for Oxalis trilliifolia should include "disjunct in n ID". Verified specimens from Bonner Co, Idaho, are in PNW Herbaria database, and species is listed as S1 by INPS.
Page 227 (Celastraceae):
Paxistima: P. myrsinites has been recently (2021) collected in alpine locations (e.g., 7,000\') in the Cascades Range in Washington. The habitat statement should be adjusted accordingly: "coastal in Salish Sea area, otherwise midmont to alpine; BC to CA, e to RMS...."
Page 232 (Violaceae):
Viola, lead 16a: The correct spelling is stoloniferous (not stoniferous).
Viola, lead 21b: ne WA is included in the distribution for this species based on a specimen from Stevens County. That specimen has been redetermined as V. nephrophylla. The range statement for V. selkirkii is updated to "AK to ne WA, n ID and w MT, e to Atl".
Page 247 (Euphorbiaceae):
Croton: The correct species epithet has been recently updated to setiger Hook.
Page 250 (Linaceae):
Linum, lead 4b: L. usitatissiumum life cycle is annual - the second line of the couplet 4b should say "...ann; European intro......"
Page 253 (Lythraceae):
Lythrum, lead 2b: Lythrum portula was collected from Bonner County, Idaho, in 2019, where found to be abundant along the Pend Oreille River. Change distribution statement to read "mostly w Cas, sw BC to CA, e occ to n ID, also in OH"
Lythrum, lead 1a: The flowers for L. salicara should have 6 petals, not 5 as shown in the illustrations.
Page 258 (Onagraceae):
Epilobium, lead 4b: Epilobium montanum was recently collected (June 2018) from three locations in Shoreline, King Co, WA; the distribution statement for lead 4b can be changed to sw BC, w WA, Newf.
Epilobium: Epilobium lanceolatum was recently collected (June 2018) from two locations on forest edges in Shoreline, King Co, WA; it will key to lead 4b in the key to Epilobium, but differs from E. montanum in its oblong-lanceolate leaf blades with cuneate bases and petioles 4-10 mm.
Epilobium, lead 6b: Epilobium hirsutum was collected from Latah County, Idaho, in 2019. Change distribution statement to "s BC s, both sides Cas, to CRG in n OR, e to w ID"
Page 264 (Onagraceae):
Oenothera, lead 8a: Lead 8a on this page should be 8b. Lead 8a occurs at the bottom of page 263.
Page 266 (Sapindaceae):
Generic key: The genus Acer is now treated in the Aceraceae, and Aesculus is treated in the Hipposcastanaceae. Revised treatments for these families can be found here: https://www.pnwherbaria.org/florapnw/revisedtreatments.php.
Page 274 (Cleomaceae):
Peritoma, lead 1a: The synonym for Peritoma serrulata should be (Cleome s.) not (Cleome l.).
Peritoma: Peritoma is now synonymized within Cleomella, with all Peritoma species names assigned to Cleomella.
Page 283 (Brassicaceae):
Anelsonia eurycarpa: Collected in MT in 2015. Distribution statement should read "c ID to NV and Sierran CA, also in sw MT"
Arabidopsis, lead 1b: Distribution statement should be revised to include nw MT: "AK to Mt. Baker, WA, e to Sask and nw MT, also in e N Am; ne Asia;"
Page 284 (Brassicaceae):
Barbarea, lead 2a/2b: The term "silicles" should be replaced with "siliques" in both couplets.
Page 288 (Brassicaceae):
Boechera, lead 29a: Distribution statement should read "endemic to Beaverhead, Ravalli, and Silver Bow cos, MT"
Page 291 (Brassicaceae):
Braya humilis: Distribution in British Columbia is incorrectly given as "sw BC"; it should be "se BC"
Page 297 (Brassicaceae):
Descurainia, lead 7a: The author for D. incisa is (Engelm. ex A. Gray) Britton
Page 299 (Brassicaceae):
Draba, lead 21a: D. cana was recently (2024) collected in Okanogan County, WA, and is confirmed from the Wallowa Mt. in Oregon by Ihsan Al-Shehbaz. The range statement should be adjusted to "AK to Greenl, s to n WA, , Wallowa Mts. in OR, CA, and in RM to NM, and ne US; Eurasia"
Page 303 (Brassicaceae):
Erysimum, lead 7a: The text should read "...; ovules 12-22 per side;.." There are 24-44 ovules per ovary.
Page 308 (Brassicaceae):
Nasturtium, lead 1a: Hybrid name N ×sterilis is misspelled; correct spelling is N. ×sterile
Microthlaspi: The genus Microthlaspi is now synonymized within Noccaea. See revised treatments page for revised Noccaea.
Page 321 (Santalaceae):
Comandra, lead a1/a2: The term "Tepals" should be used at the beginning of couplets a1 and a2 to be consistent with the family description.
Geocaulon: "tepals" should be used in the species description in place of "sepals" to be consistent with the family description.
Page 323 (Plumbaginaceae):
Limonium: L. californicum has been collected in Kitsap and Thurston counties in Washington. The distribution statement should be updated to "...; also intro in coastal PT"
Page 324 (Polygonaceae):
Eriogonum, lead 2a: The styles of Eriogonum compositum and E. pyrolifolium are hairy only at the base. The key lead will be more helpful to users if the second clause says "filaments hairy, sometimes only proximally"
Page 325 (Polygonaceae):
Eriogonum, lead 12a: E. douglasii occurs in Adams and Idaho counties in Idaho based on specimens at ID. The original range statement here only included that for var. douglasii. The full range statement for the species should read, "n WA to n CA and w NV, also in w ID;".
Page 326 (Polygonaceae):
Eriogonum, lead 13a b2: Correct "in and Cas" to "in and e Cas"
Page 328 (Polygonaceae):
Eriogonum, lead 20a: The spelling of the specific and infraspecific epithet has recently been revised to "microtheca". From IPNI:"Nuttall used the epithet "microtheca" as a noun in apposition," and this spelling is, therefore, grammatically correct. Furthermore, an attempt to overturn the original orthography was not recommended by the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants, Applequist, Taxon 63(6): 1368 (2014), nor by the General Committee."
Page 341 (Caryophyllaceae):
Cardionema: The correct spelling for the species name is ramosissimum. The authorship remains the same.
Page 343 (Caryophyllaceae):
Dichodon: The correct species epithet is viscidus
Page 344 (Caryophyllaceae):
Eremogone, lead 5a: Eremogone capillaris var. americana - the correct author abbreviation for the varietal name should be (Maguire) R.L. Hartm. & Rabeler
Page 348 (Caryophyllaceae):
Pseudostellaria, lead 1a: Pseudostellaria jamesiana barely enters the southern edge of Beaverhead County, Montana. The distribution statement should be modified to remove "but not in MT" and instead read "Cas, Chelan Co, WA, s to Sierra Nevada, CA, e to ID, sw MT, UT, WY, and NM"
Page 349 (Caryophyllaceae):
Sabulina, lead 8b: A population has been photographed (2020) from a peak with ultramafic rock in southeastern Skagit County. The range statement should read "endemic to the Twin Sisters Range and North Cascades of Whatcom and Skagit cos."
Page 351 (Caryophyllaceae):
Silene, lead 5a: Pl s should be Pls (abbreviation for plants).
Page 352 (Caryophyllaceae):
Silene, lead 18a: Silene campanulata S. Watson is an invalid name, rendering S. campanulata ssp. glandulosa C.L. Hitchcock Maguire invalid. Silene greenei (S.Watson ex B.L.Rob.) Howell ssp. greenei is the currently accepted name for S. campanulata ssp. glandulosa C.L. Hitchcock Maguire.
Page 355 (Caryophyllaceae):
Spergularia, lead 9b: Synonym S. boccini is misspelled; the correct spelling is S. bocconi.
Page 360 (Amaranthaceae):
Key to genera, lead 29: In couplets 29a and 29b the text should read "..midvein on outer surface;.."
Page 373 (Montiaceae):
Claytonia: In the taxonomic discussion at the end of the genus description, the correct taxon name is Claytonia lanceolata.
Page 376 (Montiaceae):
Montia, lead 3a: The correct authorship for M. parvifolia is (Moc. ex DC.) Greene
Montia, lead 6b: The correct authorship for M. linearis is (Douglas) Greene
Montia, lead 3a: A recent publication (Ertter et al., 2021) describes the infraspecific taxon var. batholithica Ertter & C.A.M. Prent from southeastern ID and western MT. Until a key distinguishing the taxon is provided, we will include this in synonymy.
Page 379 (Loasaceae):
Mentzelia, lead 1b: The correct measurement for this couplet is 0.5-5 dm
Page 382 (Polemoniaceae):
Key to genera, lead 10a: Near the end of line 1 of key lead 10a the word should be "streaked".
Page 384 (Polemoniaceae):
Gilia: The derivation given for Gilia is incorrect. The correct derivation is (For Filipo Luigi Gilii, Italian Vatican priest and naturalist, 1756–1821).
Page 388 (Polemoniaceae):
Leptosiphon, lead 2a: Leptosiphon minimus H. Mason Battaglia is an invalid name Phytoneuron 2021-58 1. 2021.
Page 389 (Polemoniaceae):
Microsteris gracilis: The correct authorship for the species is (Hook.) Greene.
Navarretia, lead 5b: Navarretia divaricata subsp. divaricata should be accepted; replace synonym with "ours subsp. divaricata"
Navarretia, lead 5b: The correct authorship for N. divaricata is Greene - N. divaricata Greene
Page 390 (Polemoniaceae):
Navarretia, lead 6b: Leigh Johnson confirmed a recent collection of N. squarrosa from Sanders Co., MT. The range statement for this species should read, "...far e WA and adj ID, and Sanders Co, MT;"
Navarretia, lead 10b a1: The distribution for N. leucocephala subsp. diffusa should only be Lincoln County.
Page 394 (Polemoniaceae):
Polemonium, lead 6a: P. elegans is confirmed as not present in OR. From Aaron Liston at OSC: I have reviewed the 9 OSC specimens with that name from that general area, and they are identical to Polemonium pulcherrimum specimens from the same location. The WTU specimen from OR has also been determined to be P. pulcherrimum.
Page 410 (Ericaceae):
Vaccinium, lead 10b: Second line of couplet is missing semicolon after "anther". Should read "...pore-bearing tubes ca = to anther; corolla 3-4 mm..."
Page 414 (Gentianaceae):
Centaurium, lead 1b: Specimen of C. muehlenbergii from San Juan Island, WA annotated (2019) to C. pulchellum, thereby extending range to nw WA.
Page 415 (Gentianaceae):
Frasera, lead 4b: The distribution of Frasera albicaulis incorrectly includes British Columbia; corrected distribution is "e Cas, n WA to CA and NV, e to ID and w MT"
Page 416 (Gentianaceae):
Gentiana, lead 3a: Distribution statement for Gentiana fremontii should be expanded to include eastern Idaho.
Page 418 (Gentianaceae):
Swertia: In Washington, Swertia perennis is known only from Snohomish County, not King County as stated.
Zeltnera, lead 1b: Distribution statement for Zeltnera muehlenbergii should be extended to include sw BC and sw ID.
Halenia deflexa: Halenia deflexa also occurs in Lincoln Co., MT.
Halenia: Distribution statement should read "known in our area only from Flathead and Lincoln cos, MT, otherwise ec BC to Newf;"
Page 418 (Gentianceae):
Lomatogonium: The correct authorship for this species is (L.) Fr.
Page 421 (Boraginaceae):
Key to genera, lead 23a: In line 2 the correct name is A. lycopsoides
Page 422 (Boraginaceae):
Adelinia: The correct name for this species is grande.
Amsinckia, lead 5b: The distribution statement for A. menziesii should read "AK s, both sides Cas, to CA, e to w MT, naturalized in c and e N Am;"
Page 424 (Boraginaceae):
Cryptantha, lead 5a: The correct authorship for C. humilis is Payson not (Greene) Payson
Page 428 (Boraginaceae):
Hackelia, lead 4b: The units for the corolla limb width of H. taylori are mm
Page 431 (Boraginaceae):
Mertensia, lead 5b: The range statement accidentally omitted WA, where this species occurs. The correct range statement should read, "c WA to MT, s to WY and UT;"
Page 433 (Boraginaceae):
Myosotis, lead 5a: M. sylvatica has been documented from northern Idaho (e.g., ID 138360, ID 61905, WTU 261845) and western Montana (e.g., ID 100548, MONTU 125448, WCW 6661). Update distribution statement to read "sw BC s, lowl w Cas, to nw OR, e occ to n ID and w MT"
Myosotis, lead 8a: The name Myosotis micrantha is misapplied in North America. Myosotis stricta is now recognized as the correct name for this common, introduced, annual species.
Mertensia, lead 14a: At the time of publication, the most recent draft FNA Mertensia treatment did not include WA within the range of M. ciliata. That draft has been revised to include WA plants in the range of that species. Please check the Revised Treatments page to see if a revision to the Mertensia treatment here has been generated.
Page 439 (Hydrophyllaceae):
Phacelia: P. tanacetifolia was recently (2021) collected as a roadside weed in MT.
Page 442 (Hydrophyllaceae):
Phacelia, lead 22a: In third line of couplet the second "with" should be deleted.
Phacelia, lead 23a: The illustration for P. procera is incorrectly labeled as 23b. The correct label is 23a.
Page 445 (Convolvulaceae):
Calystegia, lead 4a: The correct name for the plants assigned the name C. silvatica ssp. disjuncta in our region is C. x lucana. C. silvatica ssp.disjuncta is a European taxon that does not occur in our area. C. x lucana is a hybrid of C. sepium × C. silvatica.
Page 446 (Convolvulaceae):
Cuscuta, lead 8a: Cuscuta occidentalis lacks a distribution statement; suitable wording may be "c WA s, in OR and ID, to Baja Cal and CO"
Cuscuta, lead 5a: In second line of couplet Chenopodiaceae is replaced by Amaranthaceae (Chenopodiaceae synonymized within Amaranthaceae).
Cuscuta genus description: The correct authorship for C. gronovii in the second paragraph of the genus description is Willd.
Cuscuta, lead 5a: All infrataxa synonymized within C. indecora based on recent phylogenetic, morphometric, and host range studies (Corey W. Burt, Saa Stefanovi, Christopher Fleet, and Mihai Costea "To Lump or to Split Revision of Cuscuta Section Indecorae Using a Combined Morphometric, Phylogenetic, and Host Range Approach," Systematic Botany 49(3), 651-672, (19 November 2024). https://doi.org/10.1600/036364424X17267811220515).
Page 449 (Solanaceae):
Nicotiana: Nicotiana quadrivalvis has long been cultivated by Native Americans and may also occur as a wild plant in our area. It is known as a wild plant just south of the flora area in OR and CA.
Page 451 (Solanaceae):
Solanum, lead 8a: Solanum triflorum collections from San Juan County verified. Distribution statement should read "chiefly e Cas in our area, widespread in w N Am."
Page 454 (Plantaginaceae):
Callitriche, lead 1a: Range should be expanded for C. marginata to include Okanogan County, WA based on 2018 collection (WTU).
Bacopa rotundifolia: Populations of this species were recently (2019) documented in WA and OR. The distribution statement should be changed to "c US native app our area in c MT, and intro along CR in sc WA and nc OR, and near Boise, ID."
Callitriche, lead 2a: The shape for the Fr body should read "oblong" - this was corrected in the second printing.
Page 458 (Plantaginaceae):
Seed description should read, "seeds prominently tuberculate, edges blunt"

Nuttallanthus: N. canadensis recently (2017) confirmed from Washington. The last sentence in the genus description should read "The smaller-fld N. canadensis (L.) D.A. Sutton (= Linaria c. var. c.) of e N Am is a rare intro in our area."
Page 460 (Plantaginaceae):
Penstemon, lead 13b: Corolla length measurement units in infraspecific key for Penstemon fruticosus should be in cm not mm.
Penstemon, lead 14a: Authority for P. rupicola should be (Piper) Howell
Page 461 (Plantaginaceae):
Penstemon, lead 21a: For the range statement of Penstemon hesperius it should read Lacamas Creek (not River).
Penstemon, lead 25a: The range statement for P. acuminatus is incomplete. The full range of the species is "CR Basin in sc WA to n NV, e to sw ID;". The range provided is for that of P. acuminatus var. acuminatus .
Penstemon procerus, lead 23b: The correct author for b1 var. formosus is (D.D. Keck) Cronquist - this change was made for the second printing.
Page 462 (Plantaginaceae):
Penstemon, lead 25b a1, a2, 27a, 27b: The intended term here is "palate".
Page 464 (Plantaginaceae):
Penstemon, lead 43b: The range of corolla measurement should read 9-14(-20) mm.
Page 466 (Plantaginaceae):
Penstemon, lead 64a: There are specimens of P. glandulosus var. glandulosus at WTU from the Columbia River Gorge. The range statement should read "c WA to nc OR, and se WA to e OR and w ID and ID"
Page 468 (Plantaginaceae):
Synthyris, lead 3b: In the synonym provided for S. lanuginosa, the "p." in S. p. var. l. refers to pinnatifida
Page 475 (Lentibulariaceae):
Utricularia, lead 5b: Utricularia ochroleuca was newly documented from Idaho in 2019, in Bonner County. Change distribution statement to "circumboreal, sporadically south to CA, n ID, w MT, and ne US"
Page 476 (Lamiaceae):
Genera, lead 4a/4b: The correct spelling in couplets 4a and 4b is "protuberance".
Page 487 (Lamiaceae):
Stachys: Stachys palustris, native to Eurasia, has been documented from sw BC (2014) and Kootenai County, Idaho (2004, 2019) but was overlooked and omitted from the Flora. It resembles S. pilosa and will key to lead 4b, differing as follows:
5a Calyx hairs all ± uniform in length, mostly stipitate-glandular; calyx lobes deltate, abruptly tapered to a long, slender tip; corolla purple; stems with long, pustulate-based hairs on the angles ... Stachys palustris
5b Calyx with a mix of short, stipitate-glandular hairs and much longer eglandular hairs; calyx lobes lanceolate, gradually tapered to the tip; corolla usually pink to whitish; stems with long, slender hairs on the angles, these not pustulate-based ... Stachys pilosa
Page 491 (Phrymaceae):
Erythranthe, lead 5a: The author for E. floribunda should be (Lindl.) G.L. Nesom not (Douglas ex Lindl.) G.L. Nesom.
Erythranthe, lead 2a: The stem height measurement is missing a decimal point; the correct measurement is "0.3-1.5(-2) dm".
Page 492 (Phrymaceae):
Erythranthe, lead 6a: In the last line it should say (see lead 17a)
Page 493 (Phrymaceae):
Erythranthe, lead 17b: The author for E. guttata should be (DC.) G.L. Nesom not (Fisch. ex DC.) G.L. Nesom.
Erythranthe, lead 20a: In line 2 there is an extra "glab" - the full line should read "..tubethroat 20-40 mm; calyx tube glab except along the 5 veins; lf bls.."
Page 494 (Phrymaceae):
Erythranthe, lead 28b: The correct author for E. floribunda is (Lindl.) G.L. Nesom
Page 499 (Orobanchaceae):
Castilleja, lead 8a: In the First Printing there is an error in the illustrations referring to 8a and 8b. In this printing the illustration on the left regarding beak length should be given the letter 8b and the illustration on the right should be 8a. In the third printing (2024) the illustrations were swapped so that the numbering is correct.
Page 519 (Asteraceae):
Key to genera, lead 1a: The symbol used in the key lead and the text following Group 1 header further down the page should be the one for hermaphroditic fls, not pistillate only.
Page 523 (Asteraceae):
Key to genera, lead 40b: Note that the correct spelling is "bristlelike".
Key to Genera, Group 2, lead 39a: Change "8–10+ flattened, bristlelike scales" to "8–35 bristlelike scales"
Page 526 (Asteraceae):
Key to Genera, Group 4, lead 16a: Verbecina encelioides was collected as a weed from Jefferson County, Oregon, in 2019. Distribution statement can be updated to "much of c and s US; intro to Beaverhead Co, MT, and Jefferson Co, OR"
Page 528 (Asteraceae):
Genus - Group 5, lead 2b: The symbol for floral gender should be that for hermaphroditic not female only.
Page 531 (Asteraceae):
Key to genera, lead 52b: The height range for couplet 52b should be 1--9 dm
Page 536 (Asteraceae):
Ambrosia, lead 3b: In 2020 the Flora of BC committee deleted A. psilostachya from its checklist due to the absence of specimens in the past 70+ years. The distribution statement should now read "WA to CA, e to Atl, scattered in our area"
Page 538 (Asteraceae):
Antennaria, lead 11b: The correct authorship for A. pulcherrima is (Hook.) Greene
Page 540 (Asteraceae):
Anthemis, lead 1b: Anthemis cotula occurs in Alaska; the distribution statement should read "Alaska s,both sides Cas, to CA, e to Atl;"
Page 547 (Asteraceae):
Artemisia, lead 28a/28b: The illustrations for A. douglasiana and A. suksdorfii are reversed. Illustration 28a refers to A. suksdorfii, while illustration 28b refers to A. douglasiana.
Artemisia, lead 28a: A. douglasiana has recently been documented from multiple sites on the Olympic Peninsula. The range statement should be changed to "w Cas, OP and PT to CA, and e through CRG to e WA"
Page 558 (Asteraceae):
Cirsium, lead 4a: In the third line there should be a semicolon between "variable" and "meadows" - ...margins variable; meadows,.....
Page 563 (Asteraceae):
Crepis, lead 7b: In 2020 the Flora of BC removed C. nicaeensis from the BC checklist due to the absence of specimens in the last 70+ years. The distribution should now read "nw WA s, w Cas, to Wi Va, also in w MT, GL and ne US".
Page 577 (Asteraceae):
Erigeron, lead 82a: E. radicatus is reported from British Columbia based on communication with Frank Lomer.
Erigeron, lead 83a: E. lackschewitzii is reported from se BC by Frank Lomer. The distribution statement should read "se BC and adj Alta to w MT".
Page 578 (Asteraceae):
Eriophyllum, lead a2: The measurement for rays should be 5-20 mm.
Page 580 (Asteraceae):
Euthamia, lead 1b: The range statement for E. graminifolia should not include MT. Montana was included in the range based on the Flora of North America treatment. Subsequent research of that treatment has determined that Montana was included in the range of E. graminifolia in error. The range statement should read
"both sides Cas, s BC to OR, e to ID, WY, CO, farther e in Can and US to Atl;".
Page 587 (Asteraceae):
Hieracium, lead 10b: Hieracium glomeratum was documented from numerous locations in northern Idaho in 2019. Change distribution statement to "BC s to WA, e to n ID"
Page 596 (Asteraceae):
Madia, lead 3a: The illustration for Madia exigua is missing.
Page 598 (Asteraceae):
Micropus californicus: Micropus californicus var. californicus was photographed in Klickitat County in 2015 by R.L. Carr, with species identification confirmed by James Morefield (Flora of North America author for genus treatment Micropus) in April 2019.
Page 599 (Asteraceae):
Nabalus, lead 1a: The specimens indicating the presence of this species in MT were recently (2019) found to be misidentified. The correct range statement should read, "AK s, in Cas and OM, to CRG, e to Alta and ID"
Page 603 (Asteraceae):
Packera, lead 13b: The distribution for should be expanded to "AK to n WA, n ID, w MT, nw WY, and disjunct in n CA, e across Can to GL and Atl coast"
Page 606 (Asteraceae):
Psilocarphus, lead 3a: The distribution for P. oregonus should include California: "e WA and CRG s, both sides Cas in OR, to CA, e to ID and NV;"
Page 609 (Asteraceae):
Rhaponticum: Habitat description is provided twice.
Page 619 (Asteraceae):
Symphyotrichum, lead 16a: The correct name for lead 16a is S. ascendens (Lindl.) G.I. Nesom (not adscendens).
Symphyotrichum, lead 16a: In 2020 the Flora of BC committee removed S. ascendens from its checklist due to the lack of BC specimens. The range statement should be revised to "n WA s, e Cas, to CA, e to Sask, ND, and NM"
Page 621 (Asteraceae):
Taraxacum, lead 4a: Include nw WA in range statement for T. scopulorum based on WTU specimen from Whatcom County.
Page 623 (Asteraceae):
Townsendia, lead 2b: The correct name is T. florifera.
Page 624 (Asteraceae):
Tragopogon, lead 5b: T. floccusus was documented from two sites in Latah County, Idaho, in 2019. Change distribution statement to "naturalized from Ownbey research colls in Pullman and adj areas of Whitman Co, WA, and Latah Co, ID"
Page 629 (Caprifoliaceae):
Lonicera, lead 8a: The distribution for this species should read "AK s, e Cas, to CA, also in c ID and sw MT."
Page 635 (Araliaceae):
Hedera, lead 2a: Authority for H. hibernica should be (G. Kirchn.) Bean
Page 637 (Apiaceae):
Key to genera, lead 17b: Lead 17b should read "Fr laterally compressed, provided with uncinate to straight prickles"
Page 638 (Apiaceae):
Key to genera emphasizing the characters of the fruit, lead 37a: The illustration for Sium is absent; the 37a illustration is Oenanthe (key lead 36a).
Page 639 (Apiaceae):
Key to genera, lead 22a/22b: The illustrations for 22a and 22b should be switched; 22a should be under the prickly fruit of Yabea, and 22b should be renumbered 23b and placed under the unarmed fruit of Pastinaca.
Page 644 (Apiaceae):
Cymopterus, lead 4a: The author for Cymopterus glomeratus is (Nutt.) DC.
Page 649 (Apiaceae):
Lomatium, lead 13a/13b: In the second line of both couplet 13a and 13b, "lvs" is replaced by "lflets".
Page 655 (Apiaceae):
Lomatium, lead 63a: Based on a recent collection (2021), the range for L. dissectum is expanded northward to include Okanogan County.
Page 658 (Apiaceae):
Osmorhiza, lead 2b: The text “more marked in no 2 than in no 3” should read “more marked in no 3 than in no 4”.
Page 659 (Apiaceae):
Perideridia, lead 2a: In the list of synonyms, the combination for P. g. subsp. bolanderi is incorrect. It should be P. g. subsp. borealis
Page 660 (Apiaceae):
Pimpinella saxifraga: Specimens from Benton and Douglas counties in OR identified as Pimpinella saxifraga ssp. saxifraga have recently been determined to be Petroselinum segetum.
Page 661 (Apiaceae):
Tauschia: Tauschia stricklandii has been documented in Multnomah and Lincoln counties in Oregon. The habitat and range statement should read "mont to subalp slopes, meadows, and for openings; w side of Mt Rainier and w Yakima Co, WA, and Multnomah and Lincoln cos, OR."
Page 666 (Tofieldiaceae):
Triantha, lead 1a: Line 3 should read "...tepals 3.5-5 mm;...” - currently the measurement units are lacking.
Triantha, lead 1b: On line 4 the text should read, "...in subsp. occidentalis);..." - currently it has var. occidentalis.
Page 668 (Alismataceae):
Sagittaria, lead 2a: The occurrence of S. subulata in MT in the range statement was found to be based on a misidentified specimen. This species is not currently known from MT.
Sagittaria, lead 1a: Recently (2024) documented along the Willamette River near Corvallis and Peoria in Oregon.
Page 670 (Hydrocharitaceae):
Najas, lead 2b: N. canadensis has in fact been collected more extensively since the book\'s publication in 2018. "Seldom coll" can be removed, and an updated treatment will provide a more explicit range statement. Currently it is known from southern British Columbia, including Vancouver Island, south on both sides of the Cascades to southern Washington, east to Idaho.
Page 673 (Potamogetonaceae):
Potamogeton, lead 8b: All British Columbia populations of P. oakesianus have been determined to be incorrectly identified (2021). This species is removed from inclusion in the Flora region.
Page 675 (Potamogetonaceae):
Potamogeton, lead 24a: Corrected text: 24a Frs keeled (see leads 20a-20b)
Page 677 (Melanthiaceae):
Anticlea, lead 677: The binomial A. occidentale has the incorrect ending - the correct spelling of the binomial is A. occidentalis. The authorship provided is correct.
Page 678 (Melanthiaceae):
Trillium, lead 1a a2: T. ovatum var. hibbersonii is now recognized at the rank of species - Trillium hibbersonii (T.M.C. Taylor & Szczaw.) D.O’Neill & S.B.Farmer
Trillium: Recent phylogenetic work in the lab of Aaron Liston at OSC shows that the naturalized Trillium plants in the Corvallis, OR area are T. chloropetalum and not T. cuneatum as indicated on the specimen upon which this note was based.
Page 679 (Melanthiaceae):
Veratrum, lead 2b: The correct spelling for our variety of Veratrum viride is eschscholtzianum. (t is missing in printed volume).
Page 697 (Iridaceae):
Sisyrinchium, lead 1a: The correct authorship for S. californicum is (Ker Gawl.) W.T.Aiton
Page 701 (Amaryllidaceae):
Allium, lead 23a: A. parvum does occur in MT. The range statement should read "e OR to CA, e to w MT, UT and NV
Allium, lead 22b: A. parvum occurs in MT. The range statement should read "e OR to CA, e to w MT, UT and NV"
Page 705 (Asparagaceae):
Camassia, lead 2a: The last line of the description is missing an "r" after "va.", it should read "....; creamy white-fld var. leichtlinii is s of our area"
Page 707 (Asparagaceae):
Muscari, lead 3a: The author for M. armeniacum should be updated to Leichtlin ex Baker
Page 709 (Pontederiaceae):
Heteranthera: Change distribution statement for H. dubia to "both sides Cas, scattered from s BC to CA, e to nw MT" to accommodate recent (2019) collections from northern Idaho.
Page 714 (Juncaceae):
Juncus, lead 34a: Based on nomenclatural review, J. tweedyi is the accepted name for this taxon, and J. brevicaudatus is placed in synonymy. Knapp et al., 2022. Phytotaxa 566 2 242244.
Page 715 (Family treatments):
lead 47b: The distribution for J. nevadensis should begin with "BC" not "WA" - "WA to CA, e to Alta, MT, s in RM to NM;".
Page 719 (Juncaceae):
Luzula, lead 19a: The author for L. macrantha should be (S. Watson) Zika & B.L. Wilson not (Watson) Zika & B.L. Wilson
Luzula, lead 20b: The range statement for L. comosa should include Alaska: "AK to CA, both sides of Cas, e to Alta, MT, UT, and NM".
Page 724 (Cyperaceae):
Carex, lead 23a: The synonymy for C. pellita is incorrect - the correct synonymy is (C. lanuginosa misapplied)
Carex, lead 23b: The synonymy for C. lasiocarpa is incomplete - the fully synonymy is (C. l. var. or subsp. americana, C. lanuginosa)
Page 726 (Cyperaceae):
Carex, lead 47a: C. gynocrates is a synonym of C. nardina. The correct name for this taxon is C. alascana Boeckeler.
Carex, lead 48b: C. parryana has been confirmed for Washington State based on a specimen in Okanogan County. The distribution statement should read "AK to WA, ID, and NV, e to RM, Gr Pl, and GL".
Page 744 (Cyperaceae):
Carex, lead 251a: The distribution for C. leporinella should read "WA s, both sides Cas, e to MT, WY, and UT"
Page 750 (Cyperaceae):
Eleocharis, lead 2a; 2b: The text "caps" should be "cap", as in a covering.
Page 751 (Cyperaceae):
Eleocharis, lead 10a: The specimen of E. bolanderi from Klickitat County was recently (2022) examined and determined to be inaccurately identified. There are no specimens confirming the presence of this species in Washington. The distribution for E. bolanderi is updated to ne OR, s to CA, e to ID and CO.
Page 754 (Cyperaceae):
Schoenoplectus, lead 5a: S. heterochaetus does not occur in sw BC. The sole specimen from British Columbia at V was recently annotated to S. acutus. The correct range statement is "c WA to CA, mostly e Cas, e to MT, MA, and TX".
Page 756 (Cyperaceae):
Trichophorum, lead 1a: Distribution statement for T. alpinum should include "n ID". Verified specimens from Boundary Co, Idaho, are in PNW Herbaria database, and species is listed as S1 by INPS.
Trichophorum, lead 2a: Distribution statement for T. pumilum should include "e ID". Verified specimen from Clark Co, Idaho, is in PNW Herbaria database.
Page 760 (Poaceae):
Key to genera, lead 44a: 44a says Oryzopsis has 1 nerve - it should say "Glumes 1-nerved;...".
Key to genera, lead 44b: 44b should say, "Glumes 1-5 nerved;....".
Page 769 (Poaceae):
Key to genera, lead 194b: 194b should read “lemmas awnless or with awns < 1 mm long” rather than >1 mm long as printed.
Page 779 (Poaceae):
Beckmannia: The genus Beckmannia includes both annual (ours) and perennial species. The genus description text should read "...large ann (ours) or rhizomatous per with hollow...".
Page 780 (Poaceae):
Bromus, lead 4b: Author for B. sitichensis should be "Trin." - note that the period is missing after "Trin" in the print version.
Page 781 (Poaceae):
Bromus, lead 4b e2: Author for var. marginatus should be (Nees in Steud.) B. Boivin
Page 783 (Poaceae):
Bromus, lead 31b: At the end of line 2 of the lead a comma should be used rather than a semicolon - "...sparse to dense, sometimes stiff, usually spreading"
Page 787 (Poaceae):
Cortaderia, lead 1a/1b: Leaf width units are wrong for both species; cm should be changed to mm.
Page 794 (Poaceae):
Eragrostis, lead 2a: E. hypnoides was collected in Okanogan County in 2019. The range statement should be updated to "nc WA s, both sides Cas, to CA, e to Atl; C Am, S Am"
Page 796 (Poaceae):
Festuca, lead 14a: F. ammobia is a synonym of F. rubra var. arenicola. All infrataxa of F. rubra are best treated as synonyms of this species until further resolution is published.
Page 799 (Poaceae):
Glyceria, lead 10b: Glyceria leptostachya recently (2019) collected in Chelan County, WA. Range statement should say "mostly w Cas,.."
Page 804 (Poaceae):
Lolium, lead 2b: Recent (2018) collection expands range of L. persicum to include Clark County, WA (specimen collected in 2018).
Melica, lead 3a: Melica harfordii has been collected east of the Cascades crest in Washington (2006, 2016). The range statement should say, "s BC s, mostly w slope of Cas in our area, to CA;..."
Page 805 (Poaceae):
Melica, lead 9b: Melica spectabilis is known from a single collection along the Hood River Canal. The distribution statement should read, "s BC s, mostly e Cas,
to n CA, e to Alta, MT, CO".
Page 808 (Poaceae):
Panicum, lead 1a a2: The correct common name is proso millet.
Page 824 (Poaceae):
Sporobolus, lead 2b: Sporobolus vaginiflorus was newly documented from Washington in 2019, from Pend Oreille County, and likely also occurs in Spokane County. Change distribution statement to "s BC, ne WA, ID, CA, and AZ"
Page 833 (Index):
: The correct page for Arabis glabra (a synonym of Turritis glabra) is 318.
Page 858 (Index):
: Under Lomatium, bicolor should be italicized because it is a synonym. It does appear on page 651 as indicated.
Page 872 (Index):
: Under the genus Salix the first entry should be alba x babylonica