Vascular Plants of Alaska

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

15 genus names
115 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

V: Vicia,

Astragalus adsurgens (ALA; 24; 1953-2012)
Astragalus agrestis (UAAH, WTU; 3; 1985-2011)
Astragalus alpinus (ALA, HPSU, ID, IDS, NY, PSM, RM, UAAH, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 468; 1800-2019)
ssp. alpinus (ALA, UAAH, WTU, WWB; 12; 1968-2015)
var. alpinus (ALA, NY, RM, UAAH, WTU; 81; 1853-2013)
var. arcticus (UAAH; 1; 2015)
Astragalus americanus (ALA, NY, UAAH, WTU; 22; 1940-2018)
Astragalus australis (ALA, NY, UAAH, WTU; 153; 1926-2018)
var. glabriusculus (ALA, UAAH; 119; 1926-2018)
Astragalus bodinii (ALA, BABY, NY, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 38; 1941-2013)
Astragalus cicer (ALA, UAAH; 3; 2000-2011)
Astragalus eucosmus (ALA, BABY, NY, PSM, UAAH, WTU; 111; 1927-2019)
ssp. eucosmus (UAAH; 1; 2013)
Astragalus frigidus (WTU; 2; 1928)
var. littoralis (WTU; 2; 1928)
Astragalus laxmannii (ALA, NY, SRP, UAAH, WTU; 25; 1953-2013)
var. tananaicus (ALA, NY, SRP, UAAH, WTU; 25; 1953-2013)
Astragalus lepagei (WTU; 1; 1952)
Astragalus nutzotinensis (ALA, NY, UAAH, WTU; 67; 1939-2018)
Astragalus polaris (ALA, NY, SRP, UAAH, WTU; 96; 1891-2013)
Astragalus robbinsii (ALA, BABY, ID, IDS, NY, UAAH, UBC; 59; 1893-2013)
var. harringtonii (ALA, ID, IDS, NY, UAAH; 32; 1921-2013)
var. minor (NY; 2; 1893-1954)
Astragalus tananaica (WTU; 1; 1951)
Astragalus tugarinovii (ALA; 1; 1992)
Astragalus umbellatus (ALA, ID, IDS, NY, RM, SRP, UAAH, WTU, WWB; 268; 1921-2018)
Astragalus williamsii (ALA, NY, OSC, SRP, UAAH, WTU; 29; 1899-2013)
Caragana arborescens (ALA, UAAH; 11; 1983-2011)
Cytisus scoparius (ALA, NY; 2; 1983)
Hedysarum alpinum (ALA, ID, NY, PSM, RM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 363; 1900-2020)
Hedysarum auriculatum (NY, WTU; 2; 1900-1936)
Hedysarum boreale (ALA, BABY, ID, RM, UAAH, WTU, WWB; 173; 1919-2019)
ssp. mackenzii (ALA; 1; 1969)
var. boreale (RM; 1; 1941)
var. mackenzii (ALA, BABY, UAAH, WTU, WWB; 169; 1926-2019)
Hedysarum hedysaroides (ALA, WWB; 24; 1959-2003)
ssp. tschuktschorum (ALA; 11; 1959-2002)
Lathyrus japonicus (ALA, BABY, ID, IDS, PSM, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 190; 1871-2019)
Lathyrus maritimus (ALA, WTU, WWB; 18; 1897-2003)
ssp. aleuticus (WTU; 9; 1897-1945)
ssp. maritimus (ALA, WWB; 8; 1969-2003)
var. maritimus (WTU; 1; 1938)
Lathyrus ochroleucus (SRP; 1; 1953)
Lathyrus palustris (ALA, BABY, ID, OSC, UAAH, WCW, WTU, WWB; 102; 1904-2013)
Lathyrus pratensis (ALA, UAAH; 2; 1932)
Lathyrus venosus (PLU; 2; 1945)
Lotus corniculatus (ALA, UAAH; 17; 2005-2011)
Lupinus kuschei (ALA, BABY, WTU; 16; 1962-2011)
Lupinus latifolius (ALA, BABY, ID, IDS, NY, RM, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 206; 1926-2017)
var. latifolius (ALA, BABY, ID, IDS, NY, RM, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 206; 1926-2017)
Lupinus nootkatensis (ALA, HPSU, ID, LEA, PSM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 217; 1897-2019)
Lupinus polyphyllus (ALA, EWU, SRP, UAAH, V, WCW, WTU; 38; 1931-2013)
var. polyphyllus (SRP; 1; 1966)
Lupinus relictus (WTU; 1; 1939)
ssp. novum (WTU; 1; 1939)
Lupinus toklatensis (RM; 2; 1939)
Medicago lupulina (ALA, UAAH; 6; 1931-2011)
Medicago sativa (ALA, SRP, UAAH; 39; 1947-2013)
ssp. falcata (ALA, SRP, UAAH; 23; 1948-2011)
ssp. sativa (UAAH; 4; 2006-2011)
Melilotus albus (ALA, UAAH; 37; 1931-2013)
Melilotus officinalis (ALA, UAAH, UBC; 32; 1931-2015)
Onobrychis viciifolia (ALA; 2; 2000)
Oxytropis alaskana (RM, WTU; 4; 1902-1939)
Oxytropis arctica (ALA, NY, UAAH, WTU; 195; 1946-2017)
ssp. arctica (ALA; 2; 1993)
var. arctica (WTU; 2; 1975)
var. barnebyana (NY, UAAH, WTU; 4; 1966-1984)
var. koyukukensis (ALA, UAAH, WTU; 10; 1952-2015)
Oxytropis borealis (ALA, BABY, ID, RM, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 260; 1928-2018)
var. borealis (WTU; 4; 1951-1985)
var. sulphurea (WTU; 2; 1957-1960)
var. viscida (ALA, BABY, ID, RM, UAAH, WTU; 75; 1932-2017)
Oxytropis campestris (ALA, BABY, HPSU, ID, PSM, RM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU, WWB; 427; 1891-2019)
var. jordalii (ALA, BABY, RM, UAAH, WTU; 139; 1891-2019)
var. roaldii (ALA, BABY; 6; 2002-2013)
var. spicata (ALA, ID, RM, UAAH, UBC, WTU, WWB; 26; 1941-2015)
var. varians (ALA, HPSU, SRP, UAAH, V, WTU; 81; 1928-2013)
Oxytropis deflexa (ALA, BABY, RM, UAAH, V; 119; 1928-2020)
ssp. dezhnevii (UAAH; 1; 2015)
ssp. retrorsa (UAAH; 1; 2013)
var. foliolosa (ALA, BABY, RM, UAAH; 9; 1941-2020)
var. sericea (ALA, UAAH; 7; 2006-2013)
Oxytropis erecta (ALA; 1; 2001)
Oxytropis huddelsonii (ALA, BABY, UAAH, WTU; 47; 1953-2017)
Oxytropis kobukensis (ALA, BABY, UAAH; 28; 1967-2007)
Oxytropis kokrinensis (ALA; 26; 1963-2007)
Oxytropis maydelliana (ALA, BABY, HPSU, ID, IDS, RM, SRP, UAAH, WTU; 230; 1900-2017)
Oxytropis mertensiana (ALA, BABY, ID, IDS, UAAH, WWB; 79; 1918-2013)
Oxytropis nigrescens (ALA, HPSU, ID, IDS, PSM, RM, SRP, UAAH, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 393; 1900-2019)
var. lonchopoda (UAAH; 1; 2013)
var. nigrescens (ALA, HPSU, ID, SRP, UAAH, V, WTU, WWB; 333; 1900-2017)
Oxytropis podocarpa (WTU; 1; 1940)
Oxytropis scammaniana (ALA, BABY, IDS, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 121; 1926-2016)
Oxytropis sewardensis (ID; 1; 1918)
Oxytropis sordida (ALA; 1; 1983)
Oxytropis splendens (ALA, BABY, UAAH; 21; 1926-2018)
Rupertia physodes (WTU; 1; 1891)
Securigera varia (UAAH; 6; 2008-2011)
Trifolium aureum (UAAH; 1; 2006)
Trifolium dasyphyllum (WCW; 1; 1979)
Trifolium dubium (ALA; 1; 2007)
Trifolium hybridum (ALA, ID, UAAH, WCW, WTU, WWB; 65; 1939-2014)
Trifolium lupinaster (ALA; 3; 1932-1978)
Trifolium microcephalum (UAAH; 1; 1982)
Trifolium pratense (ALA, UAAH, WTU, WWB; 34; 1931-2008)
Trifolium repens (ALA, ID, UAAH, WCW, WTU, WWB; 61; 1933-2019)
Vicia americana (ALA, UAAH; 6; 1939-2013)
Vicia cracca (ALA, SRP, UAAH, UBC; 37; 1948-2018)
Vicia hirsuta (ALA; 1; 2014)
Vicia nigricans (ALA, WCW, WTU; 13; 1954-2007)
var. gigantea (ALA, WCW, WTU; 13; 1954-2007)
Vicia sativa (ALA, SRP, UAAH; 5; 1948-2011)
var. angustifolia (ALA, SRP, UAAH; 5; 1948-2011)
Vicia villosa (ALA, UAAH; 6; 1931-2015)