Bryophytes of Yukon Territory

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

2 genus names
13 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Bryobrittonia longipes (ALA, NY; 14; 1899-1978)
Encalypta affinis (UBC, WTU; 2; 1957-1978)
Encalypta alpina (ALA, NY, UBC, WTU; 18; 1949-1978)
Encalypta brevicolla (UBC; 2; 1976-1978)
ssp. brevicolla (UBC; 1; 1976)
Encalypta brevicollis (NY; 2; 1976-1978)
Encalypta brevipes (ALA; 1; 1975)
Encalypta ciliata (UBC; 1; 1978)
Encalypta longicolla (ALA, UBC; 4; 1976-1978)
Encalypta longicollis (NY, WTU; 4; 1958-1978)
Encalypta procera (NY, UBC; 18; 1898-1978)
Encalypta rhaptocarpa (ALA, NY, WTU; 22; 1898-1977)
Encalypta vulgaris (WTU; 1; 1954)