Vascular Plants of Alaska

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

14 genus names
52 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Amerorchis rotundifolia (ALA, UAAH, WTU; 32; 1926-2014)
Calypso bulbosa (ALA, PSM, WTU; 35; 1933-2006)
Coeloglossum viride (ALA; 2; 2003)
ssp. viride (ALA; 2; 2003)
Corallorhiza maculata (ALA; 19; 1939-1994)
Corallorhiza mertensiana (ALA, ID, MONT, NY, WCW, WTU; 23; 1915-2005)
Corallorhiza trifida (ALA, PSM, UAAH, WTU; 114; 1939-2017)
Cypripedium ×alaskanum (ALA; 5; 1970-1999)
Cypripedium guttatum (ALA, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 91; 1891-2012)
ssp. guttatum (ALA, WTU; 6; 1970-1998)
Cypripedium montanum (ALA, BABY, WTU; 7; 1979-2006)
Cypripedium parviflorum (ALA, UAAH; 12; 1962-2013)
Cypripedium passerinum (ALA, BABY, RM, SOC, UAAH, WTU; 90; 1927-2017)
Cypripedium yatabeanum (ALA, ID; 6; 1957-1987)
Dactylorhiza aristata (ALA, ID, NY, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 74; 1891-2019)
Dactylorhiza viridis (ALA, BABY, ID, UAAH, V, WTU; 121; 1891-2019)
Desmotrichum undulatum (UBC; 1; 1979)
Goodyera oblongifolia (ALA, ID, WTU; 9; 1950-2004)
Goodyera repens (ALA, NY, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 62; 1907-2018)
Habenaria convallariaefolia (WTU; 2; 1948)
Habenaria hyperborea (WTU; 1; ?)
var. dilatatoides (WTU; 1; ?)
Limnorchis foliosa (NY; 1; 1871)
Limnorchis obtusata (WTU; 1; 1945)
Malaxis monophyllos (ALA, BABY, ID, NY, PSM, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 85; 1931-2020)
var. brachypoda (ALA, NY, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 8; 1939-2009)
var. monophyllos (UAAH, UBC, WTU; 7; 1939-2020)
Malaxis paludosa (ALA, UAAH, WTU; 39; 1940-2013)
Neottia banksiana (ALA, ID, OSC, UAAH, WTU; 60; 1932-2014)
Neottia borealis (ALA, OSC, UAAH, WTU; 35; 1956-2013)
Neottia convallarioides (ALA, UAAH, WTU; 18; 1932-2019)
Neottia cordata (ALA, BABY, ID, OSC, PLU, SOC, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU; 180; 1894-2019)
Platanthera aquilonis (ALA, UBC; 44; 1931-2014)
Platanthera chorisiana (ALA, BABY, NY, V, WTU; 50; 1945-2013)
Platanthera ciliaris (WTU; 1; 1891)
Platanthera convallariifolia (ALA, UAAH; 31; 1958-2019)
Platanthera dilatata (ALA, HPSU, ID, PSM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 202; 1891-2019)
var. dilatata (ID, UAAH, WTU; 9; 1891-1965)
var. leucostachys (SRP; 1; 1938)
Platanthera ephemerantha (UAAH; 2; 2013-2019)
Platanthera huronensis (ALA, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 63; 1939-2014)
Platanthera hyperborea (ALA, HPSU, ID, SRP, UAAH, WCW, WTU; 79; 1895-2015)
var. dilatatoides (WTU; 1; 1935)
Platanthera obtusata (ALA, ID, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 203; 1918-2019)
ssp. obtusata (UAAH; 1; 1963)
Platanthera orbiculata (ALA, UAAH; 5; 1963-2015)
Platanthera stricta (ALA, BABY, ID, SRP, UAAH, WCW, WTU; 151; 1929-2014)
Platanthera tipuloides (ALA, NY, UAAH, WTU; 13; 1891-2019)
var. behringiana (NY, UAAH, WTU; 4; 1891-2019)
Platanthera unalascensis (ALA, BABY, SRP, WTU; 9; 1967-2005)
Spiranthes romanzoffiana (ALA, ID, RM, UAAH, WTU, WWB; 135; 1926-2015)
Spiranthes romanzofianna (ALA; 1; 2012)