Vascular Plants of Alaska

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

1 genus names
7 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

R: Ribes,

Ribes bracteosum (ALA, SOC, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU; 57; 1891-2012)
Ribes glandulosum (ALA, NY, UAAH, UBC; 43; 1939-2012)
Ribes hudsonianum (ALA, BABY, PSM, UAAH, UBC, WWB; 89; 1925-2015)
Ribes lacustre (ALA, BABY, UBC, V, WTU; 53; 1915-2014)
Ribes laxiflorum (ALA, BABY, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU; 92; 1915-2015)
Ribes triste (ALA, BABY, ID, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 158; 1906-2014)
Ribes uva-crispa (ALA; 3; 2008-2013)