Vascular Plants of Alaska

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

23 genus names
84 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Acrothrix gracilis (UBC, WTU; 3; 1980-2008)
Andromeda polifolia (ALA, BABY, ID, IDS, PSM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 322; 1899-2018)
ssp. pumila (ALA; 1; 1993)
var. polifolia (BABY, UBC; 6; 1937-2003)
Arctostaphylos sensitiva (WCW; 1; 1979)
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (ALA, ID, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 167; 1871-2019)
Arctous alpina (ALA, BABY, ID, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU; 202; 1899-2018)
ssp. alpina (WTU; 1; 1976)
ssp. rubra (WTU; 1; 1975)
Arctous alpinus (ALA, ID; 2; 1968)
var. ruber (ID; 1; ?)
Arctous rubra (ALA, ID, RM, UAAH, WTU, WWB; 157; 1931-2019)
Bryanthus aleuticus (WTU; 1; 1891)
Bryanthus gmelini (ALA; 1; 1968)
Cassiope lycopodioides (ALA, BABY, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU, WWB; 107; 1891-2019)
ssp. lycopodioides (UBC; 1; 2003)
ssp. mertensiana (ALA; 1; 1959)
Cassiope mertensiana (ALA, ID, UBC, V, WTU, WWB; 49; 1891-2006)
ssp. mertensiana (ALA, ID, UBC, V, WTU; 42; 1891-2003)
Cassiope tetragona (ALA, ID, IDS, PSM, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 342; 1900-2012)
ssp. saximontana (ALA; 9; 1950-2000)
ssp. tetragona (ALA, ID, UBC, V, WTU; 272; 1900-2005)
Chamaedaphne calyculata (ALA, BABY, EWU, ID, UAAH, UBC, WTU, WWB; 121; 1926-2013)
Chimaphila umbellata (ALA, SRP; 5; 1946-2004)
ssp. umbellata (SRP; 1; 1966)
Elliottia pyroliflora (ALA, BABY, ID, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 73; 1904-2017)
Empetrum nigrum (ALA, BABY, CIC, HPSU, ID, RM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU; 353; 1891-2019)
Gaultheria shallon (ALA, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU; 33; 1939-1998)
Harrimanella hypnoides (ALA; 1; 1968)
Harrimanella stelleriana (ALA, BABY, ID, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU, WWB; 172; 1891-2012)
Kalmia microphylla (ALA, UAAH, WTU; 13; 1899-2011)
var. occidentalis (WTU; 10; 1899-1979)
Kalmia polifolia (ALA, WCW, WTU; 43; 1937-2002)
Kalmia procumbens (ALA, BABY, ID, PSM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 302; 1891-2019)
Ledum pacificum (NY; 1; ?)
Ledum palustre (NY, UAAH; 2; 1995)
var. dilatalum (NY; 1; ?)
Moneses uniflora (ALA, ID, RM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 189; 1891-2012)
Monotropa hypopitys (ALA, ID, UAAH, V, WTU; 22; 1902-2013)
Monotropa uniflora (UBC; 1; 1977)
Orthilia secunda (ALA, ID, IDS, OSC, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 216; 1902-2012)
ssp. secunda (ALA; 8; 1999-2006)
Phyllodoce aleutica (ALA, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 101; 1897-2019)
ssp. aleutica (ALA; 55; 1940-2002)
Phyllodoce aleutica × Phyllodoce caerulea (WTU; 3; 1945)
Phyllodoce caerulea (ALA, UAAH, V; 35; 1924-2013)
Phyllodoce empetriformis (ALA, UAAH, WTU; 8; 1981-2017)
Phyllodoce glanduliflora (ALA, BABY, EWU, ID, SOC, SRP, UAAH, V, WTU, WWB; 68; 1891-2012)
Pyrola asarifolia (ALA, ID, RM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 272; 1897-2015)
ssp. asarifolia (ID, UAAH, UBC, WTU, WWB; 31; 1897-2010)
Pyrola asarifolia × Pyrola minor (WTU; 1; 1946)
Pyrola chlorantha (ALA, ID, WTU; 48; 1931-2013)
Pyrola grandiflora (ALA, ID, PSM, RM, UAAH, UBC, WTU, WWB; 280; 1921-2014)
ssp. grandiflora (UBC, WTU; 5; 1936-1975)
Pyrola minor (ALA, ID, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 187; 1891-2013)
Pyrola secunda (UAAH, UBC; 6; 1951-2015)
ssp. secunda (UAAH, UBC; 6; 1951-2015)
Rhododendron camtschaticum (WTU; 3; 1904-1935)
ssp. bypicum (WTU; 2; 1904-1932)
var. camtschaticum (WTU; 1; 1935)
Rhododendron groenlandicum (ALA, EWU, ID, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 147; 1905-2013)
Rhododendron kamtchaticum (WCW; 1; 1969)
Rhododendron lapponicum (ALA, ID, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 154; 1917-2018)
Rhododendron menziesii (ALA, ID, PLU, SOC, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 148; 1890-2010)
Rhododendron palustre (UBC; 14; 1937-1991)
ssp. decumbens (UBC; 13; 1937-1991)
Rhododendron tomentosum (ALA, ID, IDS, PSM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 342; 1897-2016)
Theorhodion camtschaticum (ALA; 16; 1800-2012)
Therorhodion camtschaticum (ALA, ID, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU, WWB; 120; 1897-2019)
Therorhodion glandulosum (ALA, UAAH, WTU; 52; 1900-2015)
Vaccinium cespitosum (ALA, UBC, WTU, WWB; 77; 1929-2010)
Vaccinium chamissonis (SRP; 1; 1894)
Vaccinium macrocarpon (ALA; 2; 1981)
Vaccinium membranaceum (ALA; 1; 1958)
Vaccinium ovalifolium (ALA, OSC, PLU, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU; 195; 1891-2014)
Vaccinium oxycoccos (ALA, BABY, ID, RM, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU; 223; 1899-2013)
Vaccinium parvifolium (ALA, HPSU, ID, PLU, SRP, UBC, WCW, WTU; 42; 1894-2001)
Vaccinium quadripetalum (WTU; 1; 1929)
Vaccinium smallii (NY; 1; 1853)
Vaccinium uliginosum (ALA, BABY, HPSU, ID, IDS, NY, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 442; 1899-2020)
var. microphyllum (UBC; 1; 1977)
var. mucronatum (WTU; 1; 1928)
Vaccinium vitis-idaea (ALA, HPSU, ID, IDS, LEA, NY, PSM, RM, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 352; 1700-2016)
var. minor (WTU; 3; 1916-1944)