Vascular Plants of Alaska

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

1 genus names
13 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Equisetum arvense (ALA, ID, LINF, MONT, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 430; 1891-2019)
Equisetum fluviatile (ALA, ID, PSM, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU; 243; 1923-2019)
Equisetum hyemale (ALA, UAAH, WTU; 22; 1891-2012)
ssp. affine (WTU; 7; 1891-1999)
Equisetum palustre (ALA, UAAH, WTU; 97; 1931-2017)
Equisetum pratense (ALA, ID, SRP, UBC, V, WTU, WWB; 82; 1897-2004)
Equisetum scirpoides (ALA, ID, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU; 147; 1926-2019)
Equisetum sylvaticum (ALA, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU; 166; 1900-2014)
Equisetum telmateia (WTU; 2; 1900-1938)
ssp. braunii (WTU; 2; 1900-1938)
Equisetum variegatum (ALA, BABY, ID, MONT, RM, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU; 239; 1897-2019)
ssp. alaskanum (ALA, WTU; 14; 1897-2004)
ssp. variegatum (ALA, BABY, RM, WTU; 13; 1939-2004)