Macrofungi of Idaho

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

2 genus names
16 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Hygrocybe acutoconica (OSC; 4; 2000)
Hygrocybe conica (OSC; 2; 2000)
Hygrophorus bakerensis (WTU; 1; 1978)
Hygrophorus borealis (SRP; 2; 1977-1978)
Hygrophorus caeruleus (NY; 1; 1983)
Hygrophorus camarophyllus (WTU; 3; 1969-1978)
Hygrophorus chrysodon (CIC, OSC, SRP, WTU; 9; 1975-2000)
Hygrophorus eburneus (OSC; 1; 2000)
Hygrophorus erubescens (CIC, WTU; 2; 1976-2008)
Hygrophorus hypothejus (CIC, OSC; 2; 1987-2000)
Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus (WTU; 1; 1983)
Hygrophorus pudorinus (CIC, SRP, WTU; 3; 1976-1983)
Hygrophorus russula (CIC, SRP, WTU; 6; 1975-1983)
Hygrophorus saxatilis (WTU; 1; 1983)
Hygrophorus speciosus (CIC, SRP, WTU; 7; 1974-1978)
Hygrophorus subalpinus (CIC; 1; 1986)