Lichenized Fungi of Washington

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

1 genus names
10 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

L: Lecidea,

Lecidea auriculata (0)
var. diducens (WTU; 1; 1931)
Lecidea disciformis (WTU; 2; 1913)
Lecidea lapicida (0)
f. oxydata (WTU; 6; 1928-1987)
Lecidea polycarpa (WTU; 1; 1912)
Lecidea ruginosa (WTU; 1; 1906)
Lecidea sanguineoatra (WTU; 1; 1912)
var. templetonii (WTU; 1; 1912)
Lecidea subattingens (WTU; 1; 1906)
Lecidea subconfluens (WTU; 4; 1906)
Lecidea sublatypea (WTU; 1; 1912)