Lichenized Fungi of Idaho

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

3 genus names
11 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Circinaria rogeri (BBLM, RR, SRP; 40; 1984-2012)
Lecanora symmicta (RR; 1; 1991)
Lecanora varia (BBLM, RR, WTU; 5; 1952-1991)
Lecanora zosterae (BBLM, RR, SRP, SRP-L; 5; 1991-2017)
Rhizoplaca arbuscula (RR, SRP-L; 2; 1987-2020)
Rhizoplaca baranowii (RR; 3; 1987-1989)
Rhizoplaca haydenii (0)
ssp. arbuscula (RR, SRP, SRP-L; 29; 1972-2004)
ssp. haydenii (SRP; 3; 1973-1986)
Rhizoplaca idahoensis (RR; 14; 1985-1999)
Rhizoplaca melanophthalma (0)
ssp. cerebriformis (RR, SRP-L; 33; 1985-1999)
ssp. crispa (RR, SRP; 26; 1985-1999)