Bryophytes of the Pacific Northwest

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

3 genus names
20 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

P: Porella,

Ascidiota blepharophylla (AK; 15; 1951-1982)
Madotheca cordeana (MT; 1; 1934)
Madotheca platyphylla (WA; 1; 1888)
Porella bolanderi (OR, WA; 5; 1892-2006)
Porella cordae (ID; 1; 1946)
Porella cordaeana (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 905; 1875-2016)
Porella cordeana (BC; 1; 1974)
Porella dentata (ID, MT; 3; 1889-1894)
Porella fauriei (AK; 3; 2000-2002)
Porella laevigata (AK; 2; 1945)
var. killarniensis (AK; 2; 1945)
Porella navicularis (AK, BC, ID, OR, WA; 1439; 1858-2020)
Porella platyphylla (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 36; 1888-2001)
Porella platyphylloidea (BC, WA; 7; 1887-1992)
Porella rivularis (AK, BC, ID, WA; 28; 1887-1929)
Porella roellii (AK, BC, ID, OR, WA; 396; 1875-2013)
Porella ulophylla (OR; 1; 2000)
Porella urophylla (OR; 1; 2000)
Porella vernicosa (AK; 3; 2000)
var. fauriei (AK; 1; 2000)