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British Columbia
Yukon Territory
Rubus spectabilis
Provider: University of Victoria

(Provider metadata last updated 2024-09-18)

Code: UVIC
Description: The UVic Herbarium holds approximately 50,000 specimens of vascular plants and a small separately housed teaching collection of marine algae. Holdings are mainly from western Canada and the northwestern USA, but include many collections from adjacent regions of North America.
Specialty: Western North America with emphasis on British Columbia, especially Vancouver Island.
Notable Collectors: Thomas R. Ashlee, Adolf Ceska, Hans Roemer
Total Specimens: 50,000
Web Site: https://www.uvic.ca/science/biology/herbarium/
Online Database:
Contact: Terri Lacourse, Curator
Email: herbarium[at]uvic[dot]ca
Phone: 1-250-721-7097

Address: UVic Herbarium, Department of Biology
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700, Station CSC
Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2

Dataset: Vascular Plants
Name: Vascular Plants
Data Access Point: https://www.pnwherbaria.org/data/getdataset.php?File=UVIC_Vascular_DwCA.zip
Citation: University of Victoria Herbarium, Canada
Contact: Dr. Terri Lacourse, Curator
Email: herbarium[at]uvic[dot]ca
Phone: 1-250-721-7097

Licenses: License for specimen data: CC BY-NC 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). License for media, including photographs and images of specimens: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0). Users of the data are encouraged to acknowledge the source of the data if any of these records or media are used for publications, analyses, reports, or on web sites. The provider of the data, and its staff, are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data. Fitness of use must be determined by the user of the data.
Collection Size: 50,000
Records Indexed:
Data Last Updated: 2025-01-29 17:53:23
Metadata Updated: 2025-01-29