The following checklist contains all accepted taxa treated in the 2nd Edition of Flora of the Pacific Northwest. Taxa are included at the ranks of family, genus, species, and infraspecies. Named and unnamed hybrids are also included.
Download checklist:
Excel file: FloraPNW_Checklist.xlsx (2.1 MB; last updated June 30, 2018)
The checklist contains 3 tables (represented as tabs in the Excel file, or text files in the zip archive). The contents of each table, and an explanation of the columns in each, is provided here.
The Scientific Names table contains one record per scientific name. Names are represented at the ranks of family, genus, species, and infraspecies (e.g., subspecies, variety, and forma). Each scientific name is assigned to a currently accepted taxon name. The NameID column serves as the unique identifier of each name within the PNW Herbaria database.
Column: | Explanation: |
ITIS_TSN | The Taxonomic Serial Number for this scientific name in the ITIS database ( This value is not populated for names added to the checklist after the initial download from ITIS. |
Hybrid | Indicates if the scientific name represnts a named or unnamed hybrid. Allowed values: Named, Unnamed |
Homonym | Indicates if the scientific name is a homonym within this checklist. Homonyms are spelled the same but have different authors and may represent different taxa. |
NameRank | The rank of this scientific name. Allowed values: family, genus, species, infraspecies |
NameID | A unique integer identifier assigned to each scientific name in this checklist; forms the basis for linking instances of this name across different tables. |
ScientificName | The full scientific Name, consisting of the appropriate name epithets without authors. Hybrid symbols are left out for named hybrids (for sorting purposes) but included for unnamed hybrids. |
Accepted | A Yes/No flag indicating whether this name is accepted or not. Most names that are not accepted are synonyms. Allowed values: Y, N |
NameStatus | The nomenclatural status of this scientific name, of not accepted. The possible values are too numerous to list here, but most names are marked as a synonym. |
TaxonID | The TaxonID represnts the NameID of the taxon name, and correponds to a value in the NameID column. A given TaxonID and TaxonName may appear for multiple scientific names (most being synonyms of that taxon name). |
TaxonName | The taxon name (= accepted name) to which the scientific name is currently referred. |
SeeAlso | For ambiguous names that cannot be resolved to a single taxon name, this field lists the possible taxon names to which the name might correspond, with an emphasis on our area (the Pacific Northwest). |
SynonymySources | A list of acronyms indicating the soure checklists and floras that use the same synonymy as given here, valid at the time those sources were consulted while building the PNW Herbaria checklist. A value of PNW means the synonymy has been updated after those sources were initially consulted. |
InformalClassification | A colon-separated list of one or more informal names above the rank of family, in which this scientific name is classified. These are intended as a simple and user-friendly means of grouping families and scientific names into major recognizable groups. |
Family | The name of the currently accepted family in which this scientific name is classified. |
FamilyAuthors | Authors for the family name; only populated for names at the rank of family. |
NothoGenus | If a named infrageneric hybrid, this column holds the hybrid symbol (×) that will be prepended to the genus for display purposes. |
Genus | Epithet for genus name. |
GenusAuthors | Authors of genus name, generally abbreviated following standards. |
NothoSpecies | If a named infraspecific hybrid, this column holds the hybrid symbol (×) that will be prepended to the species epithet for display purposes. |
SpecificEpithet | Epithet for species name. |
SpecificAuthors | Authors of species name, generally abbreviated following standards. |
InfraspecificRank | Abbreviation for the rank of an infraspecies name: ssp. (subspecies), var. (variety), or f. (forma). |
NothoInfraspecies | If a named hybrid at the rank of infraspecies, this column holds the hybrid symbol (×) that will be prepended to the infraspecies epithet for display purposes. |
InfraspecificEpithet | Epithet for subspecies, variety, or forma name. |
InfraspecificAuthors | Authors of subspecies, variety, or forma name, generally abbreviated following standards. |
HybridSymbol | This field, and those that follow, are used for the second parent of unnamed hybrids; this field holds the hybrid symbol separating the parent names (generally an ×, but possibly <, <<, >, or >>). |
NothoGenus2 | Same as NothoGenus, but for second parent name. |
Genus2 | Same as Genus, but for second parent name. |
GenusAuthors2 | Same as GenusAuthors, but for second parent name. |
NothoSpecies2 | Same as NothoSpecies, but for second parent name. |
SpecificEpithet2 | Same as SpecificEpithet, but for second parent name. |
SpecificAuthors2 | Same as SpecificAuthors, but for second parent name. |
InfraspecificRank2 | Same as InfraspecificRank, but for second parent name. |
NothoInfraspecies2 | Same as NothoInfraspecies, but for second parent name. |
InfraspecificEpithet2 | Same as InfraspecificEpithet, but for second parent name. |
InfraspecificAuthors2 | Same as InfraspecificAuthors, but for second parent name. |
Cultivar | The epithet applied to a named horticultural cultivar; does not include the 'cv.' prefix or single quotes (those are added for display purposes). |
Aggregate | The epithet applied to a species aggregate or group; occasionally used for apomictic species complexes or for fungi. |
HybridParents | The scientific names of the two parents of a named hybrid, separated by an ×. |
YearPublished | Year when the scientific name was published (not yet provided for most names). |
Publication | Citation for the publication of the name (not yet provided for most names). |
Comments | Free-text field with any comments pertinent to the scientific name or its application and synonymy. |
This table lists misapplied names, with an emphasis on the Pacific Northwest. A misapplied name cannot be treated as a synonym since the misapplied name generally remains accepted elsewhere. Each misapplied name record is valid for the indicated geographic area and is assigned to an accepted taxon name within that area. These misapplications may not be valid outside the indicated geographic areas.
Column: | Explanation: |
Country | The country in which the name has been misapplied. |
StateProvince | The state, province, or similar political jurisdiction in which the name has been misapplied; if left blank, then the name is considered misapplied for the entire country. |
NameID | NameID corresponding to the scientific name record in the Scientific Names table. |
ScientificName | The scientific name that has been misapplied within the indicated political jurisdiction. |
TaxonID | The NameID for the current taxon name (= accepted name) to which the misapplied name should be referred in the indicated political jurisdiction. |
TaxonName | The current taxon name (= accepted name) to which the misapplied name should be referred in the indicated political jurisdiction. |
Comments | Comments clarifying the status of the misapplied name. |
This table lists taxa of conservation concern (rare plants) that have been assigned a formal status within a given political jurisdiction. Each record is applicable only to the given taxon within the political jurisdiction. The sources of these records include state natural heritage programs and the USDA Plants database. These records are applied to matching specimens in the PNW Herbaria database to obscure their precise localities to help protect rare plant populations.
Column: | Explanation: |
NameID | NameID corresponding to the scientific name record in the Scientific Names table. |
ScientificName | The scientific name as used by the entity that manages this taxon as a species of conservation concern. |
TaxonID | The NameID for the current taxon name (= accepted name) to which the scientific name is referred in the Scientific Names table. |
TaxonName | The current taxon name (= accepted name) to which the scientific name is referred in the Scientific Names table. |
Country | The country in which this species is listed as a species of conservation concern. |
StateProvince | The state, province, or similar political jurisdiction in which this species is listed as a species of conservation concern; if blank, then the listing applies to the entire country. |
StatusCode | A conservation status code assigned to this scientific name by the entity that manages this taxon. |
Status | The spelled-out status of this scientific name, assigned by the entity that manages this taxon. |
Sources | Acronym indicating the entity (e.g, a Natural Heritage Program) from which the record for this species of conservation concern was obtained. |